Fiction territoriale ‘Fiction territoriale’ (Territorial fiction) is a research and exhibition project proposed by espace p () tentiel (curatorial and prospective platform founded by Raya Lindberg and Nadège Derderian offering an aesthetic reflection motivated by the social and environmental field, through changes of spaces and areas cultural), the result of several weeks of seminars on the issues of occupation, and the reappropriation of territories by artists, as well as by residents. A reflection made all the more urgent by the fact that this period of pandemic crisis has revealed special attention to the crisis of space, whether intimate or geopolitical. ‘Territorial Fiction’ aims to explore how any space is first imagined before being discovered and inhabited, and how territorial fiction shapes the contours of human history with its vanishing points, its lacks, its impractical dimension, making manifests all the unresolved pitches of spac.
Artists : Louisa Babari, Tatiana Bohm, Eve Bonneau, Claude Cattelain, Effi & Amir, Daphné Le Sergent, Kika Nicolela, Robert Suermondt.
17.09 - Opening
- 18h : Doors opening
- 19h : Performance – Tatiana Bohm (Brussels).
- 19h30 : Round table : Louisa Babari (Paris) artiste ; Jean-Frédérique de Hasque (Brussels), Raya Lindberg (Brussels).
- 20h30 : Projection – Paysage Liminaire by Daphné Le Sergent (Paris).
A screen like the diptych of two simultaneous stories of the North / South separation of Korea. Left: a succession of images of Korea. A male voice speaks Korean and relates emotionally and poetically about separation, pain. Subtitling redoubles its speech. Right: another series of images from Korea. A woman’s voice speaks English tells a historical, distanced account of the partition of Korea.
25.09 - Closing event
- 18:00 : Doors opening
- 19:00 : Performance Eve Bonneau
- 19:30 : Round table: Tatiana Bohm, Effi & Amir, Kika Nicolela, Robert Suermondt. Moderation : Raya Lindberg – espace p( )tentiel.
- 20:00 : Projection Tidelands – Kika Nicolela, (60 mn).
Fishermen on Daebu Island in South Korea witness helplessly as their industrialized shoreline decays after the construction of a dike on the mudflat. Is building a memory of the sea, as this fisherman wonders, knowing where a story should start, and where it should end? …
espace p ( )tentiel
Since 2018, espace p ( )tentiel, artistic research and exhibition platform, founded by Raya Lindberg and Nadège Derderian, offers an aesthetic reflection motivated by the social and environmental field, through changes of spaces and cultural areas . This vision of the possible is organized along several axes: meetings, platforms for reflection, exhibitions and publications.
- 17.09 à 18h00 | Opening
- 18 > 25/09 – 11:00 à 18:30 |Exhibition
- 19.09 – 15h00 – 16h00 – 17h00 | exhibition visits with the two curators (Raya Lindberg et Nadège Derderian)
- PointCulture Bruxelles
- Rue Royale 145, 1000 Bruxelles
- pointculture.be/bruxelles – espacepotentiel.blogspot.com
- Production : PointCulture Bruxelles, espace p ( )tentiel
- Partenaires : Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles-Paris, Embassy of Belgium in Seoul, DPI, Transcultures