Transcultures and the Visual Arts School of Mons, Arts² propose a sound art workshop coordinated by sound and digital artists Stéphane Kozik and Julien Poidevin (selected for many international events including recent Sonic City and Park in progress) as part of the project sound and digital Emergences with the support of the transborder platform for innovative music Espace(s) Son(s) Hainaut(s).
The program of the workshop opened primarily to art school students from Wallonia and North of France is about learning interactive techniques, introduction to sound processing softwares, sound installations devices & technologies… an opportunity to benefit from the experience of established artists and apprehend sound art through a creative and technological practice.
- 08/06/2014
- 20:00
- Arts2
- Carré des Arts, 4 a rue des Sœurs noires, Mons – Belgique
- Free – registration required: lucie.transcultures@gmail.com
- see other workshops
- Partnership Transcultures, manège.mons, Arts²
- In the framerwork of Espace(s) Son(s) Hainaut(s), FEDER-Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlanderen