Festival of emergent digital cultures : In the framework of Mons2015, European Capital of Culture, Transnumeriques (transdigital) 2015 is focusing on digital new talents (emergences). At the time of the society of hyperspectacle, a new crisis of culture and globalizing conformism, we aim at providing an “alternative platform” both singular and plural, open and committed to the diversity of new hybrid art practices in creative and accelerated technological change, particularly on today young talents who will be the spearhead of the scriptures and digital scenes of tomorrow.
The “Digital Emergences” exhibition that brings together works distributed or co-produced with Belgian & foreign structure partners : Rhizome and La Chambre Blanche (Quebec) ; Vidéoformes, Databaz & Quinzaine des Arts du Future (France) and numediart, Videographies (Belgium) ; and a selection of student projects of art schools Arts2 (Mons), the Villa Arson (Nice), La Cambre (Brussels)… also accompanied and supported by Transcultures.
Transnumériques # 5 opens in Mons, Friday, November 27th by a big meeting at Mundaneum, From Digital to Culture held after a lecture by French sociologist Jean-Paul Fourmentraux. Managers from cultural, digital, scientific, economic and European structures, will question the place of digital arts and cultures in the creative industries nowadays. They will also deal with the Art/Science crossings and the multiplication of collaborative networks. This meeting and round table will take place at Mundaneum in the framework of the didactic exhibition Mapping knowledge (understanding the world through the data) on which Transcultures is a partner.
During the festival, presentations-interventions intitled “Digital New Talents” (Philippe Baudelot (Fr), Alice Jarry (Qc) are organized with art school Arts2 ; a series of videoconferences ArtComTec are organized at Café Europa Mons with the pioneer artists Gilberto Prado, Maurice Benayoum (and other participants).
Transnumeriques #5 – 27.11 > 12.12.2015
Festival des cultures et emergences numériques
Participants : Gianluca Abbate (It), Rémi Amiot (Fr), Vivian Barigand (Be), Dimitri Baheux (Fr), Arthur Baude (Fr), Philippe Baudelot (Fr), Maurice Benayoun (Fr), Arnaud Biais (Fr), Philippe Boisnard (Fr), Maurice Charles JJ (Be), Junkai Chen (Chn), Corentin Clouet (Be), Elisabeth Creusen (Be), Haydiroket (Tk), Helga Dejaegher (Be), Alexandra Dementieva (Ru), Simon Dumas/Rhizome (Qc), Coline Dupuis (Fr), Mauricio Dwek (Br), Florent Eeckeman (Fr), Vincent Evrard (Be), Delphine Fabbri Lawson (Fr/Br), Iban Fernandez (Fr), Francesca Finni (It), Peter M Friess (De), Jean-Paul Fourmentraux (Fr), Fabien Grisard (Be), Magali Halter (Fr), James Hudson (Aus), Victor Huguenin (Fr), Guida Inês Maurício (Pt/Bt), Yannick Jacquet (Fr), Alice Jarry (Qc), Derrick de Kerckhove (Be), Julie Kern Donck (Be), Natan Karczmar(Fr/Isr), Alexander Ketele (Be), Gauthier Keyaerts (Be), Maxime Lanneau (Be), Christophe Laventure (Fr), Adrien Lefebvre (Be), Alain Longuet (Fr), Ariane Loze (Be), Justin Lui (Ca), Luis Miguel Girao (Pt), Arash Nassiri (Irn), numediart (Be), Antoine Outtier (Be), Vincent Paesmans (Be), Pao Paixo (Pt/Ch), Annabelle Playe (Fr), Reynold Reynolds (USA), Grégory Robin (Fr), Omar Seddati (Be), Manuel Selva (Be), Ding Shiwei (Chn), Gabriel Soucheyre (Fr), Stéphane Troiscarrés (Fr), Jacques Urbanska (Be), Delphine Van Laere(Be), Eglé Vismantaite (Lt), François Zajega (Be), Fabien Zocco (Fr) + Vidéocollectifs (Mons, Pilsen, Clermont-Ferrand…), sélection internationale Vidéoformes, Transnumériques Awards – Arts & Networks, City Lights@Transnumériques 2015…
Main events
- 27.11 > 12.12.2015
- Manège de Sury
- 1, Rue des Droits de L’Homme -7000 Mons
- gratuit
- transnumeriques.be
- Organisation-production : Transcultures
- Co-production with the Mons2015 foundation and the support of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (media art), WallonieBruxelles Théâtre Dance, WBI, Québec delegation.
- With the collaboration of IDEA, Mundaneum, Vidéoformes, Vidéographies, Rhizome, La Chambre Blanche, La Quinzaine des Arts du Futur, ARTour, Arts2, ENSA Villa Arson, Saint-Luc Bruxelles, TWIST.