The first Art/Communication/Technologies seminars organized by Natan Karczmar were held in 1993 and 1994 at the European University of Research at the Ministry of Research in Paris and since in or in between various cities of the world. Contributors have been artists and theoreticians involved in the last artistic and technological developments. Current seminars are mainly happening by videoconference and participants contribute from their living or working places. For Transnumériques, the ArtComTec videoconference programme is live on the big screen of Café Europa-Mons2015 (and then on youtube) connected to several cities.
Derrick de kerckhove – 1985-2015: 30 years of personal digital-art-history
Derrick De Kerckhove, born in 1944, is a sociologist, director of the McLuhan program until 2008 “Culture and Technology” at the University of Toronto. He is the author of The Skin of Culture and Connected Intelligence. He is currently Professor at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Naples Federico II, where he teaches “digital Sociologia della cultura” and “Marketing e nuovi media”.
Gilbertto Prado – grupo poetica digitais
Gilbertto Prado,a multumedia artist and professor in the Department of Visual Arts ECA-USP is coordinator of Grupo Poeticas Digitais. He studied engineering and visual arts at Unicamp and in 1994 received his doctorate in Arts at the University Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne. He was professor of Unicamp Art Institute and visiting professor at the University of Paris 8. He played and participated in numerous exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. He received including the 9th Prix Möbius International Multimedia, Beijing, 2001 (Special Mention) and the 6th Prize Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia, in 200. In 2003, he published the book Arte Telematica at Itaú Cultural. He works with existing networks and arts and interactive installations.
- 08.12.2015 – 18:30
- Café Europa & online
- 4a rue des Sœurs noires
- free
- transnumeriques.be – a partnership ArtComTec, Transcultures, Café Europa/Mons2015 in the framework of Transnumériques#5