The economy of attention, inability to concentrate, weapons of mass distraction, googlisation minds: countless publications denounce the flood of images and information, from television to the Internet through video games, condemn our youth with a pathological attention deficit. Yves Citton (director of the review Multitudes, author of For an ecology of attention -. 2014 of Humanities Anthropology wild gestures of our aesthetic experiences, Reverse the insoutenable- 2012), take against the foot current lamentations .
Yes, over-loading of our attention is a problem to be at the heart of our economic analysis, our educational reforms, our ethical reflection and our political struggles.
But, no, the digital advent does not condemn us to a mindless dissipation. How to redirect our attention? What to give? Must everyone learn to “manage” their attentional resources to be more “competitive” or should we rather make one more attentive to others and to environmental challenges (climate and social) that threaten our existential milieu?
- 16.03.2016 – 15:00
- Mundaneum
- 76 rue de Nimy – 7000 Mons
- gratuit
- mundaneum.org – pointculture.be
Point Culture, Mundaneum et Transcultures