Initiated by the Council of the 7th Art in close collaboration with the Louvain-La-Neuve Cinéscope, Festival Numériscope offers, for three consecutive evenings, activities, screenings and conferences around the theme “digital on the big screen” both citizen and cultural.
Many artists use digital tools in a critical way, because of the profound changes brought about by computer technology in all our social relations and everyday uses. Philippe Franck (director of Transcultures and of he international sound arts festival City Sonic and the biennale Transnumériques) will propose an illustrated introduction of the current digital artistic diversity .
- 12.10.2017 – 18.30
- Cinéscope
- Grand-Place 55, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
- gratuit
- ucl.be
Partenaires : UCL Culture, le Cinescope, le Cinéclub LLN, le LABJMV (Laboratoire Jeux et Mondes Virtuels), Transcultures, PointCulture, le CCBW et la Ville d’Ottignies-LLN.