About the latest installment of the writer and publisher Eric Golden Hello Golden Hello recently published by Jou and whose performance version (for which his readings were accompanied by live music of Christian Vialard and Serge Teyssot-Gay) was presented at the festival City Sonic in September 2017 in Charleroi, Eric Loret writes: “From what point of view to describe the delusions of late capitalism?”
From the inside, in the ventriloquant, it is certainly funny, as does Eric Arlix in Golden Hello: “We must understand that what we are going to implement is unprecedented in the history of the economy, if you are here, you know what I’m talking about, even if you do not have all the details yet. , our holding will grow exponentially. “(…) the effect of accumulation and the sudden drop makes the vase overflow that the reader suddenly burst out laughing. (…)
The “golden hello” is the “welcome bonus” for executives who have wealthy jobs. But in the marvelous world of neoliberalism, for there to be “golden hellos”, moldy goodbyes are needed. Arlix is not content with screwing up this ideology from the inside: In fourteen texts pointing out fourteen untenable situations, Eric Arlix makes an inventory of fixtures from different points of view. “From the generalized stupidity here accurately exposed by the author- narrator can be a pleasure, in a repetition and an almost musical rhythm even here without sound, a form of poetic/political jubilation!
- Éric Arlix, Golden Hello, 128p
- JOU Editions, Alfortville
- 11€
- editionsjou.net/golden-hello – ericarlix.net
A live track of Golden Hello is present on the compilation City Sonic 2016-207 published by the Transonic label