Bitcoin farms, datacenters, automated greenhouses, test cities for autonomous cars … DISNOVATION.org, artists in residence at UCL, two days of reflection around physical sites classified by digital revolutions.
Through an observation of the physical infrastructures on which contemporary technological innovations depend, these two conferences propose to identify certain critical sites related to digital revolutions. They will examine environmental, societal and political controversies as well as various forms of activism, diversions and alternatives that may emerge.
Régine Debatty is author, curator, critic and founder of the blog we-make-money-not-art.com. | Baruch Gottlieb is an artist, author and co-founder of the telekommunisten.net collective. He teaches at the Berlin University of the Arts.
What are the critical physical sites and infrastructures on which digital revolutions depend? What are the visibility or opacity regimes? What are the types of controversies, frictions, and conflicts that emerge? This study session proposes an investigation of the spaces affected by digital revolutions, be they public, commercial, private, intimate, as well as on the types of prejudices, breaks and new representations that they generate. It will also look at actual and potential misappropriation, appropriation and counter-use initiatives that may take place..
- 07 > 08.05.2018
- Auditoire Leclercq 93 & Local Sainte-Barbe 12
- free
- uclouvain.be
general conception : DISNOVATION.ORG
Production : UCL, UCL Culture (in partnership with Transcultures residence/Back Boxes exhibition)