In the framework of ‘The Architects of peace’ event, the Mundaneum (Mons) wishes to tell the sotory of two founding “laboratories for peace”. The first, the Peace Palace in The Hague, striving for peace through international law. The second, the Mundaneum in Mons, through culture and knowledge. Both are European Heritage Label sites. Visitors can find in both sites elements of what makes the European DNA (culture, values, identity).
In this context, the third edition of Digital’Arts Fabrica (transversal platform of diffusion for the arts, cultures and young digital talents initiated by the Mundaneum and Transcultures) proposes:
I am You are
Generative installation by Fabien Zocco (Fr)
Phrases follow one another, all built from the same model “I am … and you are …”. The qualifiers that complete the sentence are drawn randomly from a list of adjectives. The process unfolds a series of assertions ranging from tragic to grotesque, reducing any definition of identity to a finite set of pre-determined qualities.
Sideways OF Peace
Connected installation (“Odonymis” project) by arts2.network (Be/Fr) – creation
The software designed by the artists looks for geographical locations (avenue, streets, squares …) where the word “peace” appears, reflecting in real time the presence of the latter in a contemplative cartographic route. An endless path begins, while the virtual camera flies over these places in silence, leaving the spectator to question the (non) sense of these controlled appellations of the territory.
Connected installation by arts2.network (Be/Fr) – creation
In real time, the software designed by the artists collect, among the statutes published on Twitter, those referring to war or peace. Extracted from their respective contexts and anonymized, these messages enter into a kind of SMS conversation without dialogue. The concept of opposition (opoz in international radical) is the relation of two objects placed opposite each other, or of two motives that deviate or approach one another.
Video installation by Paradise Now (Be)
In addition to and in resonance with the theme of the Mundaneum temporary exhibition, the alter label Transonic presents two videos made by Belgian the sound and intermedia artist Paradise Now from the visual works of the Ivorian visual artist Jacobleu on the subject of migrations (title from the album of Paradise Now’s latest album on Transonic).
Digit’ars fabrica
Transversal digital arts label, Digit’ars fabrica aims to increase each of the temporary exhibitions of the Mundaneum by the evocative potential and the impact of one or more digital artworks.
- 08.11 > 08.12.2018 > Digit’ars Fabrica
- 08.11.2018 – 24.03.2019 > Exposition Architecte de la paix
- Mundaneum
- 76 rue de Nimy Mons
- 5-7 €
- mundaneum.org
Digit’ars Fabrica production : Mundaneum – Transcultures. With the support of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (digital arts). In collaboration with the Pépinières européennes de Création.