In the frameworks of Digital Scriptures and Intermediate Forms.
At this time when technology makes the power, where the actual or potential drift of the technologies are proportional to our lack of understanding of the latter, more and more voices want to interrogate this “techno world” and its artifacts. Among these are founders, artists, philosophers, scientists, makers, activists or even individuals who willingly place their action in this interdisciplinary or transdisciplinarity evolution.
This introductory lecture by Jacques Urbanska (with a background of comedian and theatre director and more recently intermedia artist and digital arts projects manager at Transcultures) will allow participants to grasp the idea of an autonomous artistic writing: a writing that does not reproduce, that does not interpret literature, but that, with the means of different artistic fields integrating new technologies or scientific research, has its own reality, independent of the literary text.
Jacques Urbanska (Be) is actor and director by training. In 2007, he has focused more specifically on performance and media arts. His projects range from multimedia performance to network arts. Since 2010, he has built a huge information network on media arts (artsnumeriques.be – arts-numeriques.info).
- 09.05.2019 – 18:30
- Bibilotheca Wittockiana – 23, rue du Bemel, 1150 Bruxelles
- Free
- lettresenvoix.org – wittockiana.org – transcultures.be
- Partenariat / partnership Transcultures, Lettres en Voix, Bibliotheca Wittockiana
- Avec le soutien de la / With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (arts numériques)
- Dans les cadre de / In the framework of “Reste la Lumière” – Journée internationale de la lumière – l’UNESCO