In the framework of Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes’ MAP programme, Transcultures, Interdisciplinary centre for digital and sound cultures, together with the City of Mons (Belgium), with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, is launching a call for a 3-month creative residency in order to develop a new project (installation, performance or other proposal) in the field of sound arts (with a special attention to technology/research/science/innovation projects).
The residency will last from the end of June to mid-September in Mons and will lead to a public presentation within the City Sonic international sound arts festival (15 > 25.09.2016).
Deadline : May 29th June 05th 2016 at midnight (Paris time) .
Who can participate
This residency, as part of the MAP programme, addresses young emerging artists from all fields of expression residing in one the countries of the Europan Union (except Belgium).
How to participate?
Procedure in 2 steps
- Create an account and submit your project on Pépinières européennes’ emobility.pro platform (guidelines on this document). Applications must be registered on the e.mobility platform before
May 29th June 05th 2016 at midnight (Paris time) to be valid. Should you face any technical issue, please write pepinieres@art4eu.net before this date. - Once you have completed the online registration, send a copy of your complete application to Jacques Urbanska (project officer at Transcultures) – urbanskaj@hotmail.com (object: MAP 2016 residencies).Please contact Jacques Urbanska for any question.
Your email should contain the following (text or PDF format in one or several files):
- a text presenting your artistic approach
- a text explaining your motivation to participate in this residency at Transcultures in Mons
- a presentation of your project
- a projected technical/specification sheet
- a recent CV
- various relevant documents to support your approach: links to pictures (Flickr or other), audio links (Soundcloud or other), video links (Vimeo or other).
These documents should be written in English or French.
A jury composed of contemporary art professionals and local partners will select the laureate project in Mons in June 2016. The result will be announced straight to the applicants and published on Pépinières’ and Transcultures’ websites.
About the residence
The project should be developed on the local territory (and will implement at least one activity with local partners) in relations with Transcultures and their partners. A special attention will be paid to projects linked to contemporary society issues and/or innovation.
The residence will take place from late June to mid-September 2016 @ Mons Belgium.
Transcultures will provide the laureate artist with:
- a grant for the project’s implementation (designed by one or several artists) and the artist’s stay (1250€ per month / maximum 3750€ in total per residency);
- an accommodation in central Mons (near Transcultures’ offices);
- an artistic and technical support;
- equipment;
- support for communication.
About MAP program
Attentive to the movements of the contemporary arts’ scene, MAP addresses emerging designers from all disciplines who explore new practices by crossing fields of expression. The programme aims to support young artists and creative players in their professionalization course and facilitates openness to various forms of artistic creation, multiplicity of experiences, the crossing of artistic fields and mutual enrichment.
A propos des Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes facilitate and foster the mobility of young artists, in view of their professionalisation on the european and international scenes. In order to implement these actions, Pépinières develop mobility, artistic creation, coproduction, dissemination and training programmes federated by the concept “Encounter and joint creation”, that enable young artists and creative professionals to develop artistic projects to be shared with the audiences they encounter.
Transcultures, Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes), supported by the city of Mons (Belgium) and the Ministry of Culture of the Wallonia-Brussels Fédération.
Transcultures is the coordinator of the Pépinières européennes pour Jeunes Artistes in Wallonia-Brussels Fédération.