A stimulating and inventive reality, the presence of sound in contemporary art has been affirmed, without discontinuity since the 2000s, in current artistic practices. However, its history is old and, above all, it engages many historical and philosophical notions that have irrigated the history of art since modernity. Thus, against the backdrop of obstinacy or lightning, sound practices in the field of art have, over time, shaped a territory, hybrid and moving, of which this conference, built as a dialogue with Philippe Franck, art historian, director of Transcultures, City Sonic International Festival of Sound Arts and teacher at ARBA-ESA, studies the different forms of new languages.
Since then, the links image, sound and visuality reformulate, since the dialogue of the arts, symbolist synesthesies or the historical avant-gardes, the question of space and time to cross the technical invention of the audiovisual sphere, the history of sculpture or installations, the creation of concrete music, pop and post-rock: their iconography …
Alexandre Castant has published, in the field of sound arts, ‘Planètes sonores, radio, arts, cinéma” (Monografik, 2007 & 2010), ‘Journal audiobiographique, radio, arts, cinéma’ (Nouvelles Éditions Scala, 2016), and, in 2017, ‘Arts sonores – Son & Art contemporain’ (Transonic / La Box editions). Professor of National Schools of Art, he teaches the aesthetics and history of contemporary art at the National School of Art of Bourges where he directs the seminar called ”he Sound workshop of aesthetics.
- 02.02.2019 – 20:00
- Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles
- 144 rue du Midi, Bruxelles
- Free entrance
- arba-esa.be – transcultures.be – lasemaineduson.be – alexandrecastant.com
Partnership ARBA-ESA, Transcultures, dans le cadre du cours de Création sonore