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Transcultures Awards – Art(s) & Network(s)


exposition-spamm-be_VIA_Jacques-Urbanska_Transcultures-2014Launched by Transcultures at the occasion of Transnomades 2013 (Quinzaine Numériques of the Federation Wallonia- Brussels), the Transnumeriques Awards* – Art(s) & Network(s) intend to stimulate the online artistic creation giving it greater visibility .

The first laureats was Anne Roquigny & James Hudson, (for the WJs) ; The Le Clair/Obscur compagny ; Peter Friess et the Okus Compagny for the emergences.

The 2014 edition was focused to artworks created to be broadcasted via the web and displayed on a screen (gifs/glitches, Neen Art, memes, web platforms…).

  • cover-transnomades_transcultures-2013The winners of the Transnumeriques Awards 2014 exhibited at VIA in a gallery of the Maison Fole was :
  • Fabien Zocco (Fr): mixing computing programming and electronics, sound, image or objects, the artistic work of Fabien Zocco focuses on our technological contemporaneity. .
  • Jim Punk (anonymous): prolific and anonymous web artist since the early 2000s, he participated in many festivals around the world.
  • The / project: an independent initiative put together by the anonymous curator ‘Vasily Zaitsev’ to promote and support Net Art & Digital Art.


Associated with these Transnumeriques Awards 2014 and Festival VIA, there was also:

  • Jimpunk-Dali-Transcultures-Awards-2014A special Gif Art exhibition  
featuring The Poietic Generator, a connected participatory artwork of the artist/researcher Olivier Auber (Fr)
  • A didactic Net Art exhibition : an online platform that presents a series of works showing the international diversity of today connected/media art, with also a selection of critical tools. was launched in 2013 by Transcultures , in collaboration with the artists Systaime (founder of the Super Modern Art Museum – and Jacques Urbanska.
  • To raise public awareness, Jacques Urbanska welcomed the visitors to its Web <iframes> matrix. These presentations and open workshops aimed  to introduce the public to the creative diversity of Net Art (in the framework of the European project nomade and the Nomades numériques initiative, a series of digital arts workshops organised by le manège.mons in collaboration with Transcultures).

* previously Mobile Awards