Quick agenda
- 01/02/2025
- 17/01/2025
- 25/12/2024
Call 2024 | Art of Remembrance – International Residencies in Poland, France, Italy and Belgium 2025
22/12/2024- 15/11/2024
- 01/11/2024
- 29/10/2024
- 25/10/2024
- 18/10/2024
- 15/10/2024
- 14/10/2024
- 13/10/2024
- 10/10/2024
- 05/10/2024
- 02/10/2024
- 30/09/2024
Published posts
- 25/08/2021
22.09 > 30.11.2021 | Gaëtan Le-Coarer | Pepinieres residency 2021 – Transcultures (Be)
25/08/2021Gaëtan Le Coarer is a doctoral candidate in Information and Communication Sciences & Art Sciences. he is interested in comics, hypermedia by developing an assertive Black aesthetic. After a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree in Design option Design and digital culture validated at the University of Nîmes in 2016…
- 25/08/2021
11 > 12.09.2021 | Transcultures @ Simultan Festival | Timisoara (Ro)
25/08/2021Transcultures presents a video selection in connection with the No Lockdown Art initiative (initiated in spring 2020, during the first confinement, in partnership with the European Pepinires of Creation), as well as the performance Sonic Dreams by Paradise Now and Régis Cotentin…
- 23/08/2021
05 > 08.09.2021 | Maja Jantar + Paradise Now + Isa*Belle | Transonic Lab Residency (Be)
23/08/2021Après une première résidence particulièrement fructueuse en mars 2021 au Delta (Namur), à laquelle avait fait suite un premier EP commun “Transonic Delta” publié sur la bandcamp de l’alter label Transonic, la vocaliste, compositrice et céramiste d’origine polonaise Maja Jantar retrouve son complice belge Paradise Now…
- 21/08/2021
01.09 > 03.09.2021 | Transcultures @ Text & Image #6 Forum | Malta Society of Arts – La Valette (Mt)
21/08/2021Matthieu Quiniou says: “Blockchain technology permits the control, or more precisely, a certified timestamping of transactions, deals and events on a distributed ledger. In such a system, no suspicions whatsoever will crop up of some administration faking an information or a date. So, it is possible to time…
- 21/08/2021
31.08 > 08.09.2021 | Transcultures @ The Week of the Sound 2021 | Bruxelles et Namur (Be)
21/08/2021As every year since the launch of La Semaine du Son first in Brussels and then also in Wallonia and Flanders, by the association Halolalune, Transcultures is happy to collaborate in this unifying event which works to give, for the greatest number, a listening attentive to the diversity of sound creation as well as to its contemporary…
- 05/08/2021
27.08 > 05.09.2021 | 20 février 1998, Nagano – Pierre Larauza | En Piste – La Boverie Museum (Be)
05/08/2021The documentary sculpture “February 20, 1998, Nagano” recreates life-size the famous backward somersault of French figure skater Surya Bonaly during the Olympic Games in Nagano. A feat which has since become for many the icon of the struggle of a woman, a minority or a difference…
- 01/08/2021
09 > 20.08.2021 | Documentary sculpture – Pierre Larauza | Pepinieres residency (Fr)
01/08/2021Transcultures continues to support French interdisciplinary artist Pierre Larauza (architect by training, co-founder of the dance company de danse t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e) in his theoretical and practical research on “documentary sculpture” (a notion on which he recently produced a doctoral thesis)…
- 07/07/2021
Articles | Les intersections transoniques de Paradise Now – par Léo Desforges – in Turbulences Vidéo #112
07/07/2021Paradise Now est la facette artistique de Philippe Franck, directeur de Transcultures – Centre des cultures numériques et sonores qu’il a fondé en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et du réseau des Pépinières européennes de Création. Sa vision de la création qu’il pratique depuis le début des années 80 est à l’image de toutes ses…
- 07/07/2021
Articles | Les travelogues de Tamara Laï – interview Philippe Franck – in Turbulences Vidéo #112
07/07/2021L’œuvre de Tamara Laï occupe une place à part dans l’évolution de l’art vidéo et multimédiatiquede ces 30 dernières années. D’abord vidéaste à la fin des années 80 porté par la dynamique de la scène artistique liégeoise dont elle est issue, puis dans la deuxième moitié des années 90, net artiste investiguant les réseaux de…
- 06/07/2021
07.2021 | A Limb – Second Life Summer 21 Tour
06/07/2021In July, A Limb will participate in the Burn2 festival (equivalent of Burning Man on Second Life and this year under the theme of emergence) and will give a series of concerts, solo or with other artists like Digital Deception (De) + Bsukmet (Es and Yadleen (De) … or Ryo Sogame (Jp).
- 06/07/2021
Jérôme Poret – Saint Maur Trave(l)ling – Live in Paris (3July2021) | No Lockdown Transonic Sessions – Spring 2021
06/07/2021Essentially part of a visual and sonic practice at the crossroads of electroacoustics and the musical culture ‘of the – so-called – margins’, Jérôme Poret (FR aka CT JEROME) apprehends architecture and exhibition as amplifying and emitting structures affecting their social environment and artistic…
- 02/07/2021
- 01/07/2021
06 > 10.07.2021 | Transcultures – Pepinieres of Création @ Zone Libre 2021 – Bastia (Fr)
01/07/2021The Sound Arts Forum, renamed Zone Libre (Free Zone), from the name of the Corsican association that initiated it, asserts itself as a sound arts festival which, as Tommy Lawson specifies, “offers forms adapted to current and forward-looking constraints, forms reinvented around new stories and more generally digital writing ”…
- 24/06/2021
04.07 > 05.09.2021 | Tabula exhibition – Collégiale Saint-Vincent à Soignies – Jean-François Octave + Paradise Now – ARTour 2021
24/06/2021Proposed in upstream of the Biennale of contemporary art and heritage ARTour 2021 on the theme “The conjugated image”, this exhibition by Belgian visual artist Jean-François Octave is built from a “sign”, an index observed in the Roman Church of Soignies. The “Tabula” was designed by Bernardin de Siena at the beginning…
- 20/06/2021
02.07.2021 | Isa✧Belle + Paradise Now @ A summer in Fontainas square – FontainaSound
20/06/2021As part of our participatory FontainaSound * project, the sound footprint of a territory to be built together over a decade, Transcultures, center of digital and sound cultures and organizer of the City Sonic festival, is joining forces with the initiative “a Summer at Fontainas square”, initiated by the BRAVVO association in partnership…
Transonic Last release
Livres 2024
City Sonic | Sound art
Transonic Label
Crossborder Living Lab
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