08.10.2020 | When technology meets puppetry – Lumen#5
05/10/2020This public presentation celebrates the official release of the book “When technology meets puppetry” directed by Françoise Flabat and Philippe Franck…
03 > 25.10.2020 | LUMEN#5 Festival – Puppetry and digital/media arts
29/09/2020The art of puppetry is an art of interdisciplinarity, borrowing, transforming and combining endlessly tradition and modernity, creating new…
Thomas Israël (Be) | Maison de la Marionette – Transcultures (Be) – Laureat 2020
29/09/2020Thomas Israël (Be) is the laureat of a call for projects launched this Summer 2020 by the Maison de…
Video | Triptyque Prototype – Thomas Israël (Be) | #NoLA2020
28/09/2020“Triptyque Prototype” is an enigma with an exploded temporality which allows cross and associative readings. Its protagonist is in…
17.09 > 25.09 | Fiction Territoriale – Transdisciplinary event + exhibition @ PointCulture Bruxelles
07/09/2020Fiction territoriale ‘Fiction territoriale’ (Territorial fiction) is a research and exhibition project proposed by espace p () tentiel (curatorial…
05 > 25.09.2020 | « Hypogée » exhibition – Thibault Madeline + Maxime Van Roy
02/09/2020‘Hypogée’ is the result of a collaboration between the Belgian visual sound artist Maxime Van Roy and Thibault Madeline,…
23.08.2020 | Sound & visual walk in Braine l’Alleud – Laurence Demaret (Be)
13/08/2020An invitation to set in motion in the soundscape and observe the urban and rural environment, a journey where…
06 > 20.08.2020 | Alain Wergifosse (Be) – Traces – résidence post production
01/08/2020A tireless Belgian sound and multimedia explorer, Alain Wergifosse is preparing an album to be released on the indie…
The Common Ground Project (CGP – collaborative multimedia project) | Kika Nicolela (Br/Be) #Nola2020
21/06/2020As part of NoLA – No Lockdown Art 2020, the “Common Ground Project”, initiated and coordinated by the artist…
09.06.2020 | LAMAPHI – Transdisciplinary group of improvisational artists
02/06/2020LAMAPHI (Lamaφ) is a multifaceted group, bringing together artists from various horizons and various disciplines, which was born at…
06-03 > 24-05-2020 | Digital Icons exhibition – Extension | La Louvière
02/06/2020With ‘Digital Icons’, Transcultures, at the invitation of Central, is offering an exhibition in the museum exhibition spaces around…
Snooba – No Lockdown Mix série | Radio Panik – #NoLA2020
08/05/2020A special command from Transcultures to Dj Snooba to punctuate the end of confinement with travelers, swaying and poetic…
Silent Noise (Video poem) by Tamara Laï (Be) | 2020
05/04/2020This new video-poem by Tamara Laï whose images were filmed in various places and countries (Belgium, China, Scotland, Italy,…
Exquisite corpse video project – volume #7 by Kika Nicolela (Br/Be) | 2020
03/04/2020The project is a unique video collaboration between artists from around the world, inspired by the surrealist method of…
Call 2020 | Open Data & ICC | Crossborder Living Labs
02/03/2020Dans le cadre du projet Interreg transfrontalier C2L3PLAY – Cross Border Living Labs, est lancé un appel à projets…
06-03 > 24-05-2020 | Digital Icons – Transnumeriques #7 Festival | La Louvière
10/02/2020With ‘Digital Icons’, Transcultures, at the invitation of Central, is offering an exhibition in the museum exhibition spaces around…
06 > 14-02.2020 | Sound Bodies Exhibition – Anciens Abattoirs Mons
30/01/2020A sound is born, moves through the air and eventually disappears. In this period of time, it is the…
20 > 24.01.2020 | Imaginary covers Workshop City Sonic #16 – Arts2
05/01/2020Under the direction of their teachers Jean-Bernard Libert and Jean-Marc Vanoevelen, 8 students of visual and graphic communication from…
20 > 24.02.2020 | Digital & sound emergences 2020 #1
05/01/2020This first workshop of the series Emergences digital and sound of 2020, a partnership between Transcultures and the school…
10.10.2019 > 12.01.2020 | City Sonic @ Martin’s Agora City Resort – Louvain-La-Neuve
01/10/2019Upstream the City Sonic 2019 ‘Winter sessions, an exhibition and events will take place at Martin’s Agora City Resort…
Appel 2019 | City Sonic #16, international sound art festival
23/08/2019Transcultures, Interdisciplinary Centre for Digital and Sound Cultures, is launching a call for projects for the exhibition of the…
02.09.2019 | BABY YOU CAN WRITE MY TRACK – film and advertising music platform
20/08/2019The next 02 Septembre, the new BABY YOU CAN WRITE MY TRACK contest-based platform is officially launching its marketplace…
Valkiri (Fr) | MAP residency Transcultures – Pépinières Européennes de Création 2019
03/07/2019Architect by training and multimedia fiddler, Valkiri (Lille) focuses his research on a hybridization between the technologies of yesterday…
06.07.2019 | L’inconstance de l’été – musical dramatic scénettes
02/07/2019The inconstancy of summer is the pretext for an evening dedicated to the outdoor performance of instant musical dramaticules….
24 > 28.06. 2019 | Digital and sound emergences @ Arts2 – Mons
13/06/2019Transcultures in complicity with the Visual Arts School of Mons Arts2 launched a decade ago, the program ‘Digital and…
23.06.2019 | Paysages sonores – Maurice Charles JJ + Ula Hasse – Bruxelles
10/06/2019For the last ‘Sunday at home’ of the year, all the weekly workshops and artists in residence at Maison…
23.06 > 08.09.2019 | Media Memories @ ARTour 2019 – La Louvière
08/06/2019For its twelfth edition to be held this summer, the biennale of contemporary art and heritage ARTour has chosen…
10.06.2019 | Tunnel Hearing @ Café Central – Brussels
03/06/2019‘Tunnel Hearing’ is a live performance and video piece by Alexandra Dementieva et Maurice Charles JJ in which sound…
25.05.2019 | Brussels Drone Day 2019 – YIAP Brussels
17/05/2019The ‘Drone Day ‘is an annual international event dedicated to the drone sound taking place all over the world…