12.03.2022 | Gaëtan Le Coarer (Fr) @ Nigth of ideas | St James Cavalier (Mt)
04/03/2022During the Night of Ideas places of knowledge and culture around the world are invited to celebrate the free…
11.03.2022 | Transonic Second Life Festival #3 @ Cat’s Circus (SL)
02/03/2022For the end of winter, here is the 3rd edition of this online micro festival, which is part of…
27.02.2022 | Archivio Aperto – Katatonic Silentio + Demetrio Cecchitelli (It) – Radio Residenze #1 | Usmaradio – Giardini Pensili (It)
15/02/2022Katatonic Silentio and Demetrio Cecchitelli were the first resident artists of the “Radio Residenze” project. The artists worked in…
21 > 27.02.2022 | Katatonic Silentio + Demetrio Cecchitelli (It) – Radio Residenze #1 | Giardini Pensili (It)
01/02/2022European Pepinieres of Creation are pleased to announce a partnership with Usmaradio (University of the Republic of San Marino)…
03 > 10.02.2022 | SHARAWADJI !?! Arrange the unexpected – Sound arts exhibition | Carré des Arts – ARTS2 (Be)
26/01/2022After two weeks of workshop coordinated by artists/teachers Silvain Vanot and Julien Poidevin, the GMLR (twin studio) which is…
Album EP | Servitudes/Certitudes (Correspondance confinée) | Christophe Bailleau (Fr/Be) vs Paradise Now (Fr/Be)
26/01/2022In 2020 and 2021, Christophe Bailleau wrote, during the various lockdown waves, short impressionist texts and poetic fragments which…
Album | No Signal – EP de MISTY (aka Thibault Drouillon – Be) | Transonic Emergences
25/01/2022No signal, Thibault Drouillon aka MISTY latest EP (opening the Transonic Emergences dpt on the independent label Transonic produced…
24.01 > 03.02.2022 | Workshops Digital & Sound Emergences | Gémellaire Studio Esä (Fr) – Arts2 (Be)
18/01/2022Studio Gémellaire (GMLR) was born from the merger of two sound creation workshops: that of ARTS2, in Mons in…
Article | Silent Noise (Tamara Laï) – par Benoit Dusart | Revue L’art Même #86 (Be)
17/01/2022Un article sur la très belle exposition de l’artiste italienne Tamara Laï soutenue par les Pépinières au Musée d’arts…
03 > 12.01.2022 | Confined correspondence Residency | European Pepinires of Creation (Fr)
01/01/2022As part of the “No Lockdown Art” initiative launched in spring 2020 by the European Pépinières de Création and…
Appel 2021 | The Common Ground Project (CGP – collaborative multimedia project)| NK Studio – Kika Nicolela (Br/Be)
20/12/2021As part of NoLA – No Lockdown Art initiative, the “Common Ground Project”, initiated and coordinated by the artist…
16.12.2021 | Dominic Lafontaine (Qbc) + Nathalie Cimino (Be)- Crossed residencies presentation | La Chambre Blanche (Qc)
06/12/2021At the line between the intermedia practice of Dominic Lafontaine (QC) and the curatorial approaches of Nathalie Cimino (BE), a common project involving…
Album | No Lockdown Transonic Sessions – Winter 2021-22
30/11/2021This third series of online “chamber” sessions commissioned by Transcultures and the Transonic label to sound creators of…
28.11.2021 | No Lockdown Sonopoetics #2 – Sound poetry performances | ARTour (Be)
26/10/2021As part of the No Lockdown Art project launched during the first global confinement in March 2020, Transcultures and…
18 > 19.11.2021 | Celtic Myths and Folklores in the English Speaking World seminar | Université de Toulon (Fr)
26/10/2021As part of the colloquium on Celtic Myths and Folklores, Gaëtan Le Coarer will first present the script production…
09 > 10.11.2021 | Gaëtan Le Coarer @ Parure du corps, Vêtement et bande dessinée Seminar | Rencontres d’Angoulême (Fr)
26/10/2021Gaëtan Le Coarer, effectuant sa résidence Pépinières MAP (Mobility in Art Process) 2021 à Transcultures est invité au prochain…
07.11.2021 | Transdemo – in progress augmented writing – Mill (Be)
25/10/2021Transdemo offre une plateforme de visibilité à des petites formes hybrides et numériques. À cette occasion, les artistes et…
05.11 > 31.12.2011 | Cosmografie – A sound exhibition | Radio Lada (Web) + Oggetti Specifici (It)
22/10/2021On November 5-6-7, 2021 Oggetti Specifici gallery in Turin presented the project Cosmographies – performances, installations, broadcasts with Katatonic…
Vice Versa Media arts – Crossed residencies 2021-22 | Dominic Lafontaine (Qbc) + Nathalie Cimino (Be)
20/10/2021For the sixth edition of their digital creation / arts-science residency exchange initiated in 2015, La Chambre Blanche and…
30 + 31.10.2021 | Transcultures @ Sonic narratives – Timisoara (Ro)
15/10/2021Transcultures are pleased to be partners of the first edition of Sonic Narratives imagined in the framework of Timisoara,…
08.10.2021 | ARTEX 2021 – Arts and Sciences of Complex Systems day | TOTEM (Fr)
24/09/2021Dans le cadre de leur programme Emergences – Ars Sciences Recherche, Transcultures – Pépinières de Création soutient l’événement ARTEX…
Essay – In the distance – Anne-Sophie Blanchet | on collaboration with Alain Wergifosse
01/09/2021L’édition 2020-21 de résidences croisées en création numérique et arts-sciences inaugure une nouvelle formule associant un·e artiste et un·e…
25.09 > 26.09.2021 | Transcultures – Pepinieres of Creation @ Festival Ibrida | Forli (It)
26/08/2021Transcultures et les European Pepinieres of Creation presents for this 2021 edition of the Ibrida festival a selection of…
22.09 > 30.11.2021 | Gaëtan Le-Coarer | Pepinieres residency 2021 – Transcultures (Be)
25/08/2021Gaëtan Le Coarer is a doctoral candidate in Information and Communication Sciences & Art Sciences. he is interested in…
11 > 12.09.2021 | Transcultures @ Simultan Festival | Timisoara (Ro)
25/08/2021Transcultures presents a video selection in connection with the No Lockdown Art initiative (initiated in spring 2020, during the…
27.08 > 05.09.2021 | 20 février 1998, Nagano – Pierre Larauza | En Piste – La Boverie Museum (Be)
05/08/2021The documentary sculpture “February 20, 1998, Nagano” recreates life-size the famous backward somersault of French figure skater Surya Bonaly…
09 > 20.08.2021 | Documentary sculpture – Pierre Larauza | Pepinieres residency (Fr)
01/08/2021Transcultures continues to support French interdisciplinary artist Pierre Larauza (architect by training, co-founder of the dance company de danse…
06 > 10.07.2021 | Transcultures – Pepinieres of Création @ Zone Libre 2021 – Bastia (Fr)
01/07/2021The Sound Arts Forum, renamed Zone Libre (Free Zone), from the name of the Corsican association that initiated it,…
21.05.2021 | Transonic Second Life Festival #2 @ Cat’s Circus
12/05/2021The 2nd edition of this online micro festival is part of the “Transonic Second Life Sessions” which regularly offer…