Quick agenda
- 01/02/2025
- 17/01/2025
- 25/12/2024
Call 2024 | Art of Remembrance – International Residencies in Poland, France, Italy and Belgium 2025
22/12/2024- 15/11/2024
- 01/11/2024
- 29/10/2024
- 25/10/2024
- 18/10/2024
- 15/10/2024
- 14/10/2024
- 13/10/2024
- 10/10/2024
- 05/10/2024
- 02/10/2024
- 30/09/2024
Published posts
- 17/05/2019
25.05.2019 | Brussels Drone Day 2019 – YIAP Brussels
17/05/2019The ‘Drone Day ‘is an annual international event dedicated to the drone sound taking place all over the world bringing together researchers of the sensation of sound released from melody and rhythm creating a different sensorial…
- 14/05/2019
22.05.2019 | Interculturality – Afternoon of reflection / round table
14/05/2019This round table is an opportunity to question the need for collective narrative invention. The communication networks that are ubiquitous in our lives are not collective imaginary spaces…
- 12/05/2019
18.05.2019 | Massages Sonores – Isa Belle @ La Nuit des Musées
12/05/2019Practiced by shamans in Tibet before Buddhism, recently rediscovered in the West for therapeutic purposes and reinvented, in the form of performance by Isa Belle, the sound massage uses Tibetan bowls metals producing a variety…
- 10/05/2019
16.05.2019 | Rencontre avec Simon Dumas – initiation aux écritures numériques
10/05/2019On the occasion of the presentation of the poetic and digital installation ‘Choeur(s)’ he initiated and his workshop of initiation to digital writing in connection with literature at the invitation of Myriam Watthee-Delmotte…
- 08/05/2019
16, 18, 19.05.2019 | Exploding Mirrors – Hanzel & Gretzel – Antwerpen
08/05/2019Premiered at Le Botanique in 1999 at Gerard Malanga: Objectif Pop show, Exploding mirrors (intialy produced by Transcultures) is a visual poem that combines footages starring Gerard Malanga together with found footages…
- 07/05/2019
15 + 16.05.2019 | Exposition bouquets arts sonores – Arts2 – Mons
07/05/2019Featuring sonic works in progress by Maxime Van Roy, Edouard Paulet, Cédric Norbert, Thalia Beauclair, Arthur Colson, Jessica Manica, Florian Van de Wyer … in the gallery spaces and a dozen of short compositions in the auditorium…
- 05/05/2019
15.05.2019 | Poésies numériques performées – lecture Jacques Donguy
05/05/2019After various names such as ‘electronic poetry’ or ‘cyber poetry’, it seems that the term ‘digital poetry’ is used to designate this current that has existed since 1983. This period also corresponds to the dissemination to the general…
- 05/05/2019
12. 05.2019 | Concerts Thamel + Prism @ Le lieu Moderne – Huy
05/05/2019For its latest issue of the season, Le Lieu Moderne presents, in an intimate and friendly setting, Walloon musician/singer Jérôme Mardaga’s new project (better known as Jéronimo, to whom we owe some goog pop songs), now turned…
- 03/05/2019
10.05.2019 | Simon Dumas (lecture) – Liège
03/05/2019Simon Dumas (Quebec) writes poetry, creates literary performances and sometimes performs himself. He has published several books of poetry whose La chute fut lente, interminable puis terminée at Editions La Peuplade, which…
- 02/05/2019
08.05.2019 | Nouvelles scènes & nouvelles écritures (numériques) – conférence Jacques Urbanska
02/05/2019This introductory lecture by Jacques Urbanska (with a background of comedian and theatre director and more recently intermedia artist and digital arts projects manager at Transcultures) will allow participants to grasp the idea…
- 30/04/2019
04 > 05.05.2019 | Christophe Bailleau – lecture poétique Firebird et autres nouveaux textes
30/04/2019Christophe Bailleau will read, with a musical background, some texts extracted from his first and recent poetic book ‘Firebird’ (released with a new online album by Transonic on the occasion of a residence in the framework…
- 29/04/2019
Call 2019 | Les Ateliers de l’Universel – Appels à projets international en arts plastiques
29/04/2019« Les Ateliers de l’Universel », in partnership with “European Pepinieres de Creation”, is launching an international call for projects aimed for contemporary visual artists and focusing on the concept of the “Universal”…
- 07/04/2019
30.04.2019 | From sound poetry to new intermediatic writings by Philippe Franck – Brussels
07/04/2019Starting from a historical reminder of the experiences of various pioneers who integrated the electronic & media technologies – since the 50’s technologies – to their poetic creative process to take the language out of the page…
- 06/04/2019
28.04 > 16.05.2019 | Digital Scriptures and Intermediate Forms – Bibliotheca Wittockiana -Brussels
06/04/2019As part of the pluridisciplinal manifestation “Reste la lumière” coordonated by Lettres en voix, Transcultures partners with this association and it’s Québec partner Rhizome Productions and Bibliotheca Wittockiana to offer…
- 04/04/2019
25.04 > 10.05.2019 | Meetings & Controversies – Interactive exhibition @ M30 Brussels
04/04/2019Since 2016 and for two academic years, students from the ULB and the Saint-Luc Brussels School of Arts have come together around a common project: the creation of digital visualizations of environmental controversies…
Transonic Last release
Livres 2024
City Sonic | Sound art
Transonic Label
Crossborder Living Lab
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