After the successful opening of the exhibition Resonances (sound arts in Brabant Wallon) at the Art School of Braine l’Alleud, which continue to provide lectures, concerts and workshops throughout the month of March, is the turn of the digital creation to show with several participations in Transcultures to the Festival VIA (in association with the digital coupole initiated by Mons2015): the and web art exhibitions, the presentation of the winners of the Mobile Awards-Art (s) & Network (s) 2014 and a partnership with the Institute of Research numediart who initiated City Lights (Digital Video Windows) offering video content tailored to dress up a whole building of the University of Mons. Even if you are not going to digital creation, it will come to you!
12 + 13.03.2014
Sébastien Biset Talk
Usure, bricolage et hacking : usages et détournements dans l’expérience musicale
12.03 > Braine-l’Alleud > École des Arts > 19:00
13.03 > Louvain-la-Neuve > PointCulture > 18:00
Sébastien Biset, art historian, musician and leader of the project “Archipel” for Point Culture, proposes this lecture in the framework of the event “Resonances”. What types of knowledge reveals the singular practice of DIY? How do they apply to musical invention and what fun draws amateur and sometimes genius? The lecture “Wear, DIY and hacking: uses and abuses in the musical experience” will address the broad field of experimental new instruments, wild, unusual and insolent, from Tore Honoré Boe to Nicolas Collins. DIY, embezzlement, hacking: many procedures showing the will to revive the arts as unique and pragmatic experiences.
in the framework of Résonances – les arts sonores en Brabant Wallon
- 12.03 > École des Arts, 47 rue du Château, Braine l’Alleud – free
- 13.03 > PointCulture > 9a, Place Galilée, Louvain-la-Neuve – 4 € / free for members of la Médiathèque, étudiant I.A.D / COMU (en collaboration avec UCL Culture et le PointCulture)
Sonic Kids
Nicolas d’Alessandro : Muzzpod
Mons > Médiathèque | le manège.mons > 14:00
Using an iPod and a synthetic voice software, children will create an original choral without using their vocal cords. Tenor, baritone, soprano or alto chorister…everyone is involved in the composition of a song he can take home after the workshop given by Nicolas d’Alessandro (musician, researcher at numediart /University of Mons and inventor of digital instruments)
- free
- 7m3, rue de la seuwe, 7000 Mons
- Réservations :
Concert micro-tonalités
Jean-Paul Wittek Tender is the night
Braine-l’Alleud > Académie de Musique > 20:00
Jean-Paul Wittek and Myriam Pierre play, with two pianos, ‘Three quarter-tone piece’ of Charles Ives (leading North American composer, crossing sound research, contrapuntal writing and popular loans) and some extracts of ‘24 preludes quarter-tone (op.22)’ of Ivan Wyschnegradsky (French composer of Russian origin, who worked on the micro-intervals). Astrid Gallez (flute) plays a piece of her composition ‘Kâlî la noire’ and ‘Solo’ (three kinds of flutes) of John Cage. Astrid Gallez also plays with Myriam Pierre, ‘Garak’ by Korean composer Isang Yun (for flute and piano). Jean-Paul Wittek plays in solo some excerpts of the ‘Rings light’ (for two pianos tuned ¼ tone interval – one running) of Alain Louvier (contemporary French composer who worked on the renewal of piano technique).
in the framework of Résonances – les arts sonores en Brabant Wallon
- 5€ / free for members of « les Mercredis de la Musique » / “École des Arts” associations, for the student of the Académie de Musique and the École des Arts.
- Académie de Musique, 49 rue du Château, Braine l’Alleud
Bobvan Talk
The sound of mythscape
Braine-l’Alleud > École des Arts > 19:00
Bobvan (Belgian musician, film director, multimedia artist) revisits, in the framework of “Résonances”, some of the highlights of his adventurous artistic journey by focusing on the sound dimension of his work. It shows how sound, both in its temporal and spatial deployment, contributes to the emergence of a series of “mythological modules” which, by their controlled accumulation, resonate with each other.
in the framework of Résonances – les arts sonores en Brabant Wallon
- I4€ – free for members of « les Mercredis de la Musique » / “École des Arts” associations, for the student of the Académie de Musique and the École des Arts.
- École des Arts, 47 rue du Château, Braine l’Alleud
- Info & réservations : • 02 384 61 03
Philippe Franck Talk
Résonances autres – une introduction aux arts sonores
Louvain-la-Neuve > PointCulture > 18:00
What are the roots of the sound art that cross disciplines? What are the main features of these forms and adventurous sound practices? How does site specific audio creation dialogue with the urban space? How does it develop? What are the possibilities and these pitfalls? These are some questions and issues that Philippe Franck (Transcultures, le manège.mons, curator of Resonances) bring light to stimulate critical thinking and discussion.
After an introduction to the genesis of the sound art through the avant-gardes of the twentieth century and some great pioneering figures practices, Philippe Franck will also discuss his experience and approach of curator/ founder of the international sound art festival City Sonic illustrating these remarks with many video and audio examples.
Dans le cadre de/in the framework of Résonances & Médiathème, en collaboration avec/in collaboration with le PointCulture de Louvain-la-Neuve, IAD, Institut des Arts de Diffusion et UCL Culture
- 4 € / free for the membres of the Médiathèque, students I.A.D / COMU
- PointCulture Louvain-la-Neuve, 9a, Place Galilée
- Info + réservations : • 02 737 19 63
20 > 23.03.2014
Festival VIA
Exposition + Mobile Awards
Mons > Le Manège/Maison Folie > 12-18:00
City Lights (Digital Video Windows)
UMons > Université > 20:00
Launched by Transcultures on the occasion of the Transnomades festival as part of the Quinzaine numérique initiated by the Ministry of Culture of the Federation Wallonia- Brussels in 2013, the Mobile Awards – Art (s) & Network (s) intend to stimulate creative digital network giving it greater visibility. For the festival VIA organised by le manège.mons and the Manège in Maubeuge, the Mobile Awards 2014 focus are on connected works, web and net art (gifs / glitches, Neen Art, memes, web systems…). The three winners of the 2014 call for proposals (check the Mobile Awards 2014 call for proposals on will be exhibited in the Maison Folie in Mons end of March.
Transcultures also offers for VIA (associated to the digital coupole of Mons recently initiated by Mons 2015) : a special exhibition GIF Art (animated images from the Web), the generator Poïétique, a participatory work invented by the artist / researcher Olivier Auber and a didactic exhibition Net Art, The latter is related to the eponymous online platform that presents a series of works showing the international diversity of creative connected arts today, with also a selection of critical texts. It was launched in 2013 by Transcultures, in collaboration with the artist Systaime (founder and moderator of the Super Modern Art Museum – Artist/curator Jacques Urbanska welcomes the visitors to its Web < iframes > matrix providing presentations and workshops (in the context of the workshops Nomades numériques recently aunched by le manège.mons in collaboration with Transcultures) as an introduction to creative diversity of Net Art.
City Lights is an evolving project initiated by numediart (Institute for New Media Art and Technology from the University of Mons) changing the facade of the building of University of Mons –rue Houdain, in an architectural mapping. This installation consists of 14 connected projectors behind the windows, and projecting on numerically controlled electric shutters. For VIA 2014, Transcultures commissioned digital/video artists (including Thomas Israël – Belgium and Kika Nicolela – Brazil –check the City Lights call for proposals on also involving students of the school Arts2 (including Vivian Barigand, François Martin, Emmanuel Selva). These various projections of the same size but varied aesthetic, give a foretaste of what will be installed in 2015, involving other partners and a Web interface.
Production expositions + web art : Transcultures / Mons 2015 the partnership of manège.mons.
Production City Lights (Digital Video Windows) : numediart/Umons, Transcultures.
workshop/talk Net Art : manège.mons, Transcultures, in the framework of european projet nomade – programme Feder Interreg IV France Wallonie-Vlanderen
- free entrance
- + special Web Art exhibition
12 > 18:00
opening + drink on March 20th 12am
workshop/talk Web Art, 20 + 21.03, 14 > 16:00
Maison Folie (Espace des Possibles 1st stage), entrance : 1 rue du gouvernement, Mons - City Lights
Umons, 9 rue Houdain, Mons - • •
Philippe Franck Talk
Dispositifs nomades, lieux connectés et flux sonores… à l’écoute de la dérive
Mons > Faculté d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme > 12:30
“We will comment on ambulatory works (pioneer and contemporary) that re-trace and “increase” the city connected to other (hidden) areas/urban locations and redefine it into a multi audio ever changing deterritorialized/reterritorialized space, by activating our moving listening. Between physical and virtual architectures, places and non-places, sound streaming via the Internet and embedded devices, to draw other audio-geographical drift, carrying other imaginary and poetic interactions.” – Ph. Franck
In the framework of the series “Augmented digital territories” launched by Transcultures with the partnership of Architecture & Urbanism of the University of Mons
- free entrance
- Faculté d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (UMONS), 88 rue d’Havré, Mons
Art Zoyd Talk
44 ans et demi de création musicale différenciée
Mons > Arts2 > 11:30
Unclassifiable musical group founded in 1969, Art Zoyd is also since 1987 a recording and creation studio, based in Valenciennes (France). UFO in the French music industry, Art Zoyd encourages young artists through residencies, productions and creations. Transversality plays a major role in the artistic choices of their creative studio. At the Art School of Mons, Art Zoyd (director: Gerard Hourbette) will present almost half a century of musical creation which has been essential to develop a unique studio in the contemporary artistic landscape and to continue to develop innovative sound spaces.
in the framework of Emergences sonores & numériques. Partnership Transcultures – Arts2. In the framework of Espace(s) Son(s) Hainaut(s), plate-forme transfrontalière pour les musiques innovantes / FEDER-Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlanderen
free entrance
- Auditoire Carré des Arts (Rez-de-Chaussée), 4a rue des Sœurs noires, Mons
- • •
ET AUSSI…/and also…
10.03 > 03.04.2014
Visite de l’exposition – Animations pour les enfants
Sonic Quizz + Caravane-Son-Média
Braine-l’Alleud > École des Arts
While the exhibition ‘Resonances’ (curator : Philippe Franck) can be seen till May 5th at the School of Arts of Braine-L’Alleud, the students can have a guided tour of the exhibition and participate to two workshops to enable them to better understand the works presented in the course and plastic sound proposed by the School of Arts. The game ‘Sonic Quiz’ designed by Emilien Baudelot and Arnaud Eeckhout awaken children to the sound of everyday objects and prepare to visit the exhibition.
Then they can follow the workshop Caravan-Sound-Media (a nomadic educational project initiated by the Cultural Center of Braine-L’Alleud) where they become aware of the narrative power of his images.
Dans le cadre de/in the framework of Résonances – les arts sonores en Brabant Wallon
Nomades Numériques Workshop
Damien Pairon : Digital video editing software (initiation)
Mons > manège.mons > 18:00
As part of Festival VIA, the dance show ‘Hors Champs’ of Michèle Noiret will be premiered in Mons, fon March 21 and 23 at Theatre Le Manège. On this occasion, Damien Pairon (multimedia-video artist) will coordinate a workshop in the framework of Nomades Numériques (series of workshops on creative digital practices launched by the manège.mons as part of the European project nomad, in collaboration with Transcultures) to initate the public to a selection of digital video softwares. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to make their own short video creation.
in the framework of european project nomade – Feder Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen
19 > 22.03.2014
Festival Vidéoformes
Clermont Ferrand
For its 29th edition, Vidéoformes, international digital art festival, invite (trans) Belgian artists which are supported Transcultures with the performance-installation ‘Fragments # 43-44’ (also supported by numediart and the digital arts department of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels) by Gauthier Keyaerts n collaboration with François Zajega (visual) and Yacine Sebti (programming) (a development ‘MashtaCycle 1.0’ premiered at the 2013 edition of City Sonic in Mons), the multimedia performance “Skinstrap” Thomas Israel returned from a successful tour in Brazil, “Shrinking cities” by Pierre-Jean Giloux, a fragment of his new in progress project “Invisible Cities” (also programmed for Mons2015) and the participative ‘videocollectives” initiated by media-video pionneer Nathan Karczmar who will also nourish exchanges between Transcultures-Mons and Vidéoformes-Clermont-Ferrand in 2015.