10>18.12.2016 – Scenocosme @ Festival Dans l’air – CCBW
Posted on 01/12/2016 in 2016, Agenda, All news, Artists, Belgium / FWB, Mediation, Partners, Residencies

In November, the Cultural Center of Brabant Wallon in partnership with Transcultures hosted a residence for the French duo Scenocosme (Gregory Lassere & Anaïs met den Ancxt) to develop their behavioral and interactive installation ‘Rencontres imaginaires’.
In december, Scenocosme will take part to the festival En l’air with a new version of their installation after several workshops with circus artists enhancing their video data banks.
- 10,11,14,17,18.12.2016
- Saturday and Wednesday from 8pm, Sunday from 2pm – reservation : 010 61 60 15 or online
- Foyer populaire/Espace d’interventions
- Rue Belotte 3, Court-St.-Étienne
- ccbw.be – scenocosme.com
Centre culturel du Brabant Wallon in partnership with Transcultures – residency in the frameworks of the Saison des Cultures numériques de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and En l’air fesitval.