Media Arts Center

Quick agenda

Published posts

  • 14-09-2014 – Sonic Garden Party – Baudouin de Jaer + Maurice Charles JJ + Quasi una fantasia


    Three intimate concerts in private gardens of the Mons Belfry historical district (rue des compagnons). First composer Baudouin De Jaer proposes a solo violin performance based on pieces inspired by Swiss art brut visionary Adolphe Wölfli (1864-1930), upon whom he based his 2011 Sub Rosa a beautiful release ‘The heavenly ladder’.Maurice Charles JJ a.k.a. Jean-Jacques Duerinckx is a musician mostly

  • 11-09-2014 – Opening – City Sonic, International Sound Art Festival 2014


    Happy City Sonic & Park in progress@Mons 2014 ! On a peacefull September 11th City Sonic#12 will be lauched with the European Night for Young Creation, which also opens the tenth edition of the European nomadic project Park in progress. Before that great event, we’ll start the guided visit of the City Sonic itinerary on the site of the Arbalestriers

  • 18 > 25-07-2014 – Percées project – Simon Dumas + Thomas Israël + Paradise Now


    After initially working in Quebec Productions Rhizome in May, Simon Dumas (artistic director of Rhizome), Thomas Israël (digital artist-filmmaker-artist) and Paradise Now (sound designer) develop interaction between image and sound performance breakthroughs a poetry project (text: Catrine Godin)-dance (choreography: Karine Ledoyen), his video will be premiered in October in ‘Quebec en toute lettre’ then in Mons2015. Production : Productions Rhizome,

  • 16 & 17-07-2014 – “Web Art” an introduction by Jacques Urbanska (workshop)


    Since the birth of the Internet, many creators have taken this medium to explore the limits, divert or redefine its purpose. Creating animated images that buzz that mobile applications and multiple online and offline works… Through a playful workshop exploration and experimentation, media artist Jacques Urbanska ( will present a panel of web art works and original tools that provide

  • 07 > 11-07-2014 – Béranger Grimbert + Charlotte Van Kemmel (residency)


    Bérenger Grimbert, French electronic musician develops with actress Charlotte Van Kemmel Belgian a new audio-sensory performance. On the site of the former slaughterhouses at the Frigo (Fridge) where Transcultures is located, these young artists to develop their work shifted universe to achieve a multidisciplinary performance that carries us into crazy worlds, somewhere between meditation and a physical experience.

  • 03 > 07-2014 – t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e – Chambre(s) d’hôtel – Bruxelles


    ‘Chambre(s) d’Hôtel’ (Hotel rooms) created by the dance interdisciplinary company t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e (initiated by Pierre Larauza and Emmanuelle Vincent) is an urban installation combining a performance and a radio interview. A single architectural object, a hybrid and technoid caravan, combines a piece of fiction and a reality. This travelling hybrid device is experienced as a transit location loaded with possibilities. Experimental

  • 30-06 > 04-07-2014 – Emergences Sonores


    Under the coordination of Stéphane Kozik (sound artist and multimedia), three students (Wilson Rose, Christopher Fernandez, Vivian Barigand) of The Visual Arts School of Mons Arts2 were selected to participate in a workshop “Sonic Emergences ” preparatory to the presentation of their new sound installations in the next edition of the City Sonic festival in September. Production : le manège.mons,

  • 20-06 > 31-08-2014 – Julien Poidevin – Géosonic mix – Charleroi


    In this context, the site specific and geolocative project ‘Géosonic mix’ of French artist Julien Poidevin offers an intimate and sonic immersion. From sounds recorded in the city, quotes of authors and sound clips, “Géosoni mix@La Louvière” invites us to a unique experience somewhere else between our presence in the city and an imaginary trip. Equipped with a GPS and

  • 17 + 18-06-2014 – Bains numériques#8 – Professional meetings


    Transcultures (Philippe Franck, Jacques Urbanska) with Mons 2015, European Capital of Culture (Mauro Del Borrello, general manager of le manège.mons and Mons2015, Pascal Keiser, artistic director for digital programme and director of TechnocITé) and the City of Mons (Joelle Kakompole, deputy mayor in charge of culture) are invited by the Arts Centre of Enghien-les-Bains to participate to the professional encounters organised in the framework of Festival Bains numériques.

  • 08-06-2014 – A pentacostal evening Aki Onda + Antoine Chessex + films


    For another Monday Pentecost night, Eastern Belgium at night in complicity with Transcultures invites Antoine Chessex, a fascinating Swiss saxophonist (who has worked with many adventurous artists such as Maja Ratkje Jerome Noetinger, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Lasse Marhaug …)

  • 01>08-06-2014 – Werner Moron + Philippe Franck : Ours bipolaires @ Saline Royale


    Artist in residency at the Saline Royale (Arc-et-Senans/France), “City of utopias”, in the framework of the Odyssey program (an initiative of the association of the Centres des Rencontres), Werner Moron (Beglian multidisciplinary artist, founder of Paracommandarts) has invited Philippe Franck

  • Call for proposals – MAP artists-in-residence at Transcultures – autumn-winter 2014


    In the framework of the MAP programme, Transcultures, Interdisciplinary Center for Digital and Sound Cultures in association with the City of Mons and with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, launches a call for two artistic and creation residencies…

  • 14-05-2014 – Sonic Kids – Gauthier Keyaerts – La bouclothèque


    During this workshop, Gauthier Keyaerts shows to the children how to record various sounds, cut them out and then integrate them into an interactive device. This fun tool (based on a friendly interface) will (re) create different soundscapes like walk in the woods, sounds of the sea or of the city… a friendly interface playing with the movements of the

  • Call – Park in Progress / City Sonic 2014


    About Parkinprogress Park in Progress is a nomadic mobility program initiated by the European Pépinières for young artists, supported by the European Commission (Culture programme) and  gathering together young artists and professionals from the creative and cultural world, who work on the different steps of creation, production, diffusion of a project in which transdisciplinary experience is developed. Parkinprogress moves around

  • 06-05-14 – (Big) Data art @ Big Data Week Wallonia


    For this « Big Data Week Wallonia » coordonated by Mundaneum, in Mons, Jacques Urbanska (, Transcultures) and Wolf Kuehr (project managerMons2015 – respublica) provide an introduction to the (Big ) Data Art through various examples of works followed by a video conference with artist Manuel Lima. Designer, author, lecturer and researcher based in New York, Manuel Lima is a


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City Sonic | Sound art

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Crossborder Living Lab