29.06 > 03.07.2015 – Workshop Sound & Digital Emergences – J. Poidevin et S. Kozik

Organised in the framework of the ” sound and digital Emergences ” initiated by Transcultures and its Mons Art School partner Arts2, this workshop is led by Julien Poidevin and Stéphane Kozik , two graduate artists of the Visual Art School of Mons, Arts² , very active in the field of digital arts and sound, and programmed in various international events and venues. The final projects made thanks to this last Emergences workshop of this year will be exhibited in City Sonic ( 11-27 Sept. 2015 ) or Transnumériques ( 27.09 -12 Nov. 2015 ), both events being supported by Mons2015, European capital of Culture.
It also represents a unique opportunity for participants to benefit from the artists-coordinators’strong experience, through the learning of innovative technologies (+ introduction to sound processing software) with a specific and critical approach, and also to benefit from Transcultures financial support to their projects.
- 29.06 > 03.07.2015
- Arts²
- Rue des Sœurs Noires 4/A – 7000 Mons
- esapv.be
More information about Sound & Digital Emergences workshops in 2016 >>> mediation.transcultures@gmail.com