18 > 21.12.2017 | Workshop Sound Arts Research Module – ARBA-ESA Bruxelles
Posted on 18/12/2017 in 2017, Agenda, All news, Artists, Belgium / FWB, Mediation, Partners, Philippe Franck, Production, Projects, Soundart, Workshops, Young artists

As part of a new sound arts research module at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, coordinated by Philippe Franck, twenty students from different backgrounds produce collective or solo sonic installations or performances after being introduced to a transdisciplinary and transhistorical context of sound creation.
They are supervised by Jean-François Fontaine, digital arts teacher at ARBA-ESA, Alain Wergifosse, Belgian sound and multimedia artist whose work was shown recently at Festival City Sonic and Helga Dejaegher (technician and visual artist) invited by Transcultures.
- 18 > 21.12
- Académie des Beaux Arts de Bruxelles
- 144 rue du Midi Bruxelles
- Registration closed
- www.arba-esa.be
Partnership ARBA-ESA, Transcultures