For the Belgian Week of Sound and following a Transcultures residency, Alain Wergifosse presents a new sound and visual installation in the series of his ‘Resonant Spaces’. This tireless explorer of the limits of the audible and the visible works on a series of microphones and sensors placed strategically in a more or less restricted space, which are put in feedback controlled by a system of sound and visual processing. The result is a self-generative composition of interleaved textures that interacts with the audience.
This contextual and in progress device is audible inside the place and visible from the outside through its windows. Whispers, rumors, shadows and reflections, wind and movement are captured here in real time to be put in sound and light, textures that interacts with the audience.
Created in Brussels in 2011, the Week of Sound is part of an international movement that aims to make the public aware of the sound in all its aspects and to raise the awareness of all the players in society about the importance of the quality of the environment. sound. This year, a special focus will be made on the link between sound and image with a whole day devoted to film music by Belgian composers.
- 26.01 – 11:00 > 13:30 | 27.01 – 12:00 > 18:00 | 28.01 > 03.02 – 13:00 >19:00
- La Semaine du Son : 26.01 > 03.02.2019
- Mixtape Factory
- 4, rue du Chevreuil, Bruxelles
- free
- transcultures.be – lasemaineduson.be
Production Transcultures, in partnership with the Semaine du Son