The Studio Gémellaire (GLMR – Twin Studio) was born from the merger of two sound creation workshops: that of the Visual Arts School of Mons ARTS2 (Belgium) and that of the Art School Tourcoing in France. During two weeks, twelve students worked together to prepare a group exhibition. The presentation of this work takes place at the ESÄ-Tourcoing joint gallery on February 1st (opening at 5 pm) on February 8th, 2019. This first edition of the GMLR entitled ‘Where are we talking about?’ is devoted to speech, its physiological, cultural, social and / or geographical origins.
With the artworks of Thibault Barois, Maia Blondeau, Elena Carbonelli, Mary Costeaux, Mathilde Couturier, Charlotte Dumont, Thibault Drouillon, Julie Gaubert, Amine Haddadi, Maxime Van Roy, Emmanouil Zervakis, Loris Zuccato.
Coordination : Julien Poidevin (Arts2) et Silvain Vanot (ESA Tourcoin
- 01 > 08.02.2019
- Galerie Commune – ESÄ
- 36 Rue des Ursulines, 59200 Tourcoing, France
- free
- esa-n.info – artsaucarre.be – transcultures.be – pepinieres.eu
Partnership : ESA, Arts2, Transcultures, European Pepinieres of Creation
visual : Jean-Bernard Libert