Transcultures will be present at the 12th International Colloquium on design sciences and technologies, which wants to question the limits of design process models and highlight “Unintentional Design” (DnI) as a “critique of phenomenology intentional” design. It is a desire to rethink the design process, taking into account the unpredictable nature of design and its modes of use, which can correspond to “the daily diversion by the user of what has been designed […] does not create a new object but creates something new which replaces the old through the act of use”.
Philippe Franck will speak for a conference around the theme of the Impermanent Sound Art Process: The art of integrating contingent and impermanence in contemporary sound creation. Note that the artists-researchers Gaëtan Le Coarer & Marc Veyrat, supported by Transcultures will also intervene during these 3 days.
The 01Design conferences aim to confront the different worlds of conception and design, more particularly these meetings are an opportunity to explore the complexity of the border between two contemporary faces of this universe which are the design of physical objects ( architecture, aeronautics, automobile, industrial design, etc.) and that, more recently, of the design of digital and/or informational objects (communicating objects, Internet of things, cognitive interface, 3D printing, social design, augmented reality, reality virtual, etc).
Full program (french)
13 octobre 2022
Session 1 : président Anis Semlali
- 09:30 – 10:00 – Khaldoun Zreik
Introduction 01 Design 12 - 10:00 – 10:30 – Claire Bord
L’attention au milieu ou l’écologie du projet en design - 10:30 – 11:00 – Françoise Decortis, Anne Bationo Tillon
Les théories de l’activité peuvent-elles offrir de nouvelles perspectives pour le design non-intentionnel dans l’éducation ?
Pause café
- 11:30 – 12:00 – Omar Blibech, Naoufel Abbes
De la réinvention de l’usage de l’objet : au gré de l’expérience-utilisateur. - 12:00 – 12:30 – Mariem Dridi
L’image numérique à l’ère de la viralité : communication publicitaire spontanée ou stratégie organisée
Pause déjeuner
Session 2 : Naoufel Abbas
- 14:00 – 14:30 – Imene Kechida
L’expérimentation matérielle intuitive au cœur d’un design d’expérience produit : retombées d’une recherche pédagogique. - 14:30 – 15:00 – Anaïs Bernard
L’hybridation, comme processus de conception des corps - 15:00 – 15:30 – Amira Naoui
Morphologie du processus catastrophiste en architecture
Pause café
- 15:30 – 16:00 – Gaetan Le Coarer (en visio)
BOOM ! Le bruit du moteur d’immersion dans la conduite accidentelle - 16:00 – 16:30 – Marc Veyrat, Gaetan Le Coarer
II chevaux - 16:30 – 17:00 – Salma Ktata
L’école Supérieure des sciences et technologies de design repense la formation en design vers une approche pédagogique par compétences
14 octobre 2022
Session 3 : Omar Blibech
- 09:30 – 10:00 – Xaviera Calixte, Samia Ben Rajeb, Aurélie Jeunejean and Pierre Leclercq
Méthode de suivi de l’usage des outils dans un processus collectif de conception : mise en évidence des pratiques du design non intentionnel. - 10:00 – 10:30 – Salma Akrout, Xaviera Calixte and Pierre Leclercq
L’impact des méthodes computationnelles sur l’intention des architectes dans le processus de conception : entre design intentionnel et libération du geste créatif - 10:30 – 11:00 – Anis Semlali
L’outil paramétrique comme moyen d’idéation non-intentionnel
Pause café
- 11:30 – 12:00 – Smail Khainnar and Mei Menassel Savreux
De l’intentionnalité dans le design d’expérience usager - 12:30 – 13:00 – Elizabeth Mortamais
Concevoir peut il devenir un acte dénué d’intention ?
Pause déjeune
Session 4 : Imad Saleh
- 14:00 – 14:30 – Patrizia Laudati, Hafida Boulekbache
« Le chemin des ânes » : où quand le non intentionnel dessine des chemins - 14:30 – 15:00 – Philippe Frank
De l’art de l’intégration du contingent et de l’impermanence dans la création sonore contemporaine
Pause café
- 15:30 – 16:00 – Ferdaws Belcadhi
Vers une sémiotique des pratiques urbaines à l’épreuve de l’expérience - 16:00 – 16:30 – Nomen Gmach, Salma Abdennadher
La contextualisation du vécu urbain en Tunisie au prisme de la spontanéité et de la planification urbaine - 16:30 – 17:30 – Samuel Szoniecky
Table ronde 1 : conception non-intentionnelle
15 octobre 2022
Présentations des travaux des ateliers de “conception non intentionnelle” menés par les étudiants de l’ISAM – Sfax, l’UIK et l’ESSTED
- 09:30 – 12:30
Animateurs : Meriem Gargouri (ISAM- Sfax) Ferdaws Belcadhi (UIK) Naoufel Abbes (ESSTED )
Pause déjeuner
Table ronde 2 “synthèse et clôture”
- 14:30 – 16:00
animée par Antonnela Tufano et les représentants des instutitions participantes au colloque
12th International Colloquium on Design Science and Technology
How to define the “Unintentional Design”?
“The unintentional design is the daily diversion by the user of what has been designed. It does not create a new object but creates something new that replaces the old through the act of use. “(Uta Brandes). Daily human activity contributes to transform by adjusting constructed frameworks (Bruce Bégout).
In architecture the unintentional approach took different forms during the end of the 20th century: incremental design by Lucien and Simone Kroll or design “pattern” by Christopher Alexander, retroactive design by Rem Koolhaas, structuralist design by Hermann Hertzberger or design negotiated for Frei Otto’s Eco-House, until the self-planning slums described by Yona Freidman. In all these examples, the unintentional design could be understood as an inductive pragmatic based on interpretative tasks in the face of a complex, obsolete or inoperative existent. Data interpretation, pattern recognition, misuse of uses (Richard Sennett) but also reverse engineering of objects or software.
“Unintentional design” also refers to the idea of a designer-improviser who reacts to the situation, and for whom “waiting is not enough: we must now be ready, watch and jump, […] the proper use of the occasion presupposes an art [which requires] receptive and apprehensive graces, and as it creates the occasion itself, it is akin to musical improvisation “(Vladimir Jankélévitch). Then recedes the figure of this architect who colonizes the territories, spreads the city and builds a bright future dotted with traffic circles.
Does drawing such an equivalence between perceiving, i.e. interpreting reality, and then conceiving it, i.e. acting on it, would not suppose to readjust certain hierarchies and especially to define new design tools?
Recently, in this digital age, the phenomenon of UnIntentional Design (UID), like many others, has fundamentally freed itself to declare itself as an autonomous and legitimate intellectual practice.
It has invaded the worlds of ICT to spread at high speed in many professional fields including those dealing with urban and architectural spaces.
It suddenly becomes an “intentional” practice with its methods and tools. The UID is in the air of those times that want to be sustainable, participatory, evolving, shareable, … where the object in continuous design becomes an alibi of human transactions and new practices of social co-productions of information, knowledge and communicative objects (Internet of Things).
- 13 > 15.10.2022
- Hammamet Yasmine 8050, Tunisie
- 01design.eu
- Citu Paragraph – Paris 8 University | Cergy Paris University | School of Design Science and Technology | UMons – University of Mons | Architecture Research Laboratory | Gulf University | Private University of Fez | AURAK – American University of Ras Al Khaimah | Higher Institute of Arts and Carts of Sfax
- With the support of Transcultures and European Pepinieres of Creation