21.10.2023 | Dystopia of Forms – Performance by Fred Chemama (Fr/Be) | Moukhtab’Art (Ma)
14/09/2023As part of his project “Fusional Illuminations” which he begins in December 2023 in Morocco, the artist Fred Chemama…
13.10 > 22.10.2023 | Digital Emergences + i-Real world @ Lumen #8 Festival (Be) – Puppetry and Media Arts | Tournai (Be)
12/09/2023For 6 years, the Center de la Marionnette (Tournai-BE) and Transcultures have joined forces at the annual Lumen event…
Book + CD | House27 – GHOSTWRITERS. (Fr/Be) | Transonic Label (Be)
11/09/2023Two creators join forces to form the duo GHOSTWRITERS. : sound artist Christophe Bailleau and visual artist Claire Ducène….
07.10.2023 | Fragments#Rimbaud – Gauthier Keyaerts (Be) | Nuit Blanche de Charleville-Mézières – TCM (Fr)
11/09/2023Fragments#Rimbaud invites you to “remix” Rimbaud’s work, through a multimedia, immersive experience, based on cutting-edge digital technologies, capable of…
06.10.2023 | House 27 – performance + book (+CD) release – GHOSTWRITERS (Fr/Be) | THANKSgalerie (Mons)
10/09/2023Off the Night of Museums in Mons (BE), the THANKSgalerie, Transcultures and the duo GHOSTWRITERS (the project of visual…
13.05.2023 | Sonic Spheres [Audio tribute to Pol Bury] – Album + CD & Booklet | Transonic Label (Be)
18/08/2023As part of the events organized in La Louvière to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Pol Bury…
21 > 27.03.2023 | Bodies in motion – Pierre Larauza (Fr) | Forum des Halles (Be)
18/08/2023In his documentary sculptures project, Pierre Larauza questions the sporting gesture through art, linking history, homage and combat. From…
22.09.2023 | Round table – Perspectives: Culture & artificial intelligence(s) | Anciens Abattoirs (Be)
16/08/2023MuseumLab and Transcultures, Center for Digital and Sound Cultures, offer you a round table that will offer five views…
21.09.2023 | Round table – Art and NFT : sharing experience – Kika Nicolela (Br/Be) | Anciens Abattoirs (Be)
14/08/2023After the fallout of the speculative bubble that surrounded the world of NFT works and the past craze for…
Call 2023 | Sound Creation – Residence 2024 | Tournefou – Musée Camille Claudel (FR)
12/08/2023En partenariat avec le réseau des European Pepinieres of Creation, l’Association Tournefou et le Musée Camille Claudel lancent un…
09 > 17.09.2023 | La Force Diagonale – Annik Leroy et Julie Morel (Fr/Be) | Contour 10 Biennale (Be)
10/08/2023The film “La Force Diagonale” by Annik Leroy and Julie Morel (supported by Transcultures), is in international competition at…
03.09.2023 | Transonic Sessions – Sonopoetics performances @ Bienale ARTour 2023 | Château Gilson (Be)
01/08/2023Transcultures offers two performances combining poetic readings and offbeat sound creations, which integrate into their hybrid and adventurous creations….
Article | Spectres & Neons, rencontre avec Alain Wergifosse – par Philippe Franck | jazzmania.be
22/07/2023Après un mini album online Flux & Densités publié en 2020, le label Transonic a sorti fin 2022,…
29.08.2022 | Systemet (Be/It) – sound performance | YIAP Brussels (Be)
20/07/2023YIAP Brussels present Systemet (Björn W Jauss, E. Luciano), a feedback-drone duo using self-built synthesizers. Their sound is a…
16.08.2023 | Singing and Movement workshop – Barbara Cool (Be) | Foyer paroissial Hautrage-Etat (Be)
15/07/2023Barbara Cool, musician, dancer, coach in sound expressiveness of socio-emotional skills, offers, in the REPIT (participatory, intergenerational and transcultural…
08.09.2022 | Tree Stories Performance – Kotryna Žilinskaitė (Lt) + Hasan Alp Çelikel (Tk) | Darnos Šventė (Lt)
18/06/2023Tree stories is a interdisciplinary and multifaceted in progress project inspired by the timeless poetry and mystical power…
28.07 > 24.08.2023 | Body – Sound/Mouvement (workshops) – Isa*Belle | REPIT 2023 – SEPTEM Saint-Ghislain (Be)
15/06/2023At the invitation of the cultural center Septem, Isa*Belle offers 2 modules on the theme “Body in harmony” proposed…
22.07 > 27.08.2023 | Sull’Impronta – Andrea et Francesco Strizzi (It-Be) exhibition | Torre Campanaria (It)
10/06/2023Two sculptural researchers have as a common trait, the use of imprint to create a « space of sound…
Article | XR Bury – Sonic Sphères : entre réalités et sonorités augmentées – par Philippe Franck (Be) | Turbulences Video #120 (Fr)
09/06/2023Jean-françois Octave a conçu des pochettes devenues des références au début des années 80 pour des labels alors particulièrement…
Article | Bury dans les livres par Philippe Franck (Fr/Be) | Turbulences Video #120 (Fr)
08/06/2023Deux livres publiés en 2022, liés à des expositions de qualité qui ont eu lieu à La Louvière au…
Article | Pol Bury, un parcours et une œuvre trans avant-gardistes – par Philippe Franck (Be) | Turbulences Video #120 (Fr)
07/06/2023Pour le centième anniversaire de Pol Bury, une série d’événements et d’expositions autour de cet artiste multi (sculpteur, peintre,…
15.07.2023 | Transonic Second Life Festival #4 @ Museum Island (SL)
05/06/2023For this beginning of the summer vacation period, here is the 4th edition of this online micro festival, which…
07.07.2023 | Nos zones floues de Messa Haddad (Dz/Be) – Closing concert by Christophe Bailleau (Fr/Be) | La Perche Bruxelles
01/06/2023For the end of his exhibition “Nos zones floues” (Our blurred zones), the Belgian-Algerian artist Messa Haddad invited Christophe…
04 > 09.07.2023 | The Diagonal Force – Annik Leroy et Julie Morel (Fr/Be) | FIDMarseille 2023 (Fr)
28/05/2023The film “La Force Diagonale” by Annik Leroy and Julie Morel (supported by Transcultures), is in international competition at…
21 > 27.03.2022 | Documentary sculptures by Pierre Larauza (Fr) | Le Carreau du Temple (Fr)
26/05/2023In his documentary sculptures project, Pierre Larauza questions the sporting gesture through art, linking history, homage and combat. Two…
25.06 > 10.09.2023 | Transcultures @ ARTour – Contemporary Art and Heritage Biennial 2023 (Be)
24/05/2023With the title “In between Worlds”, this 14th edition invites you to discover works from all disciplines that question…
24.06 > 08.07.2023 | Sull’Impronta – Andrea et Francesco Strizzi (It-Be) exhibition | Gallery Nostrum (Be)
23/05/2023Two sculptural researchers have as a common trait, the use of imprint to create a « space of sound…
21 > 22.06.2023 | Aperghis (Gr/Fr) Performances – Nuit du Beau Tas 2023 | Jardin de l’Hospice (Bruxelles – Be)
20/05/2023Two performance evenings around the composer of Greek origin living in France Georges Aperghis. Particularly interested in “musical theatre”,…
19.06.2023 | Memento Vivere live – Selen (Fr) + YadLimb (De+Be) | NovaOwl Sky Gallery (SL)
20/05/2023“Memento Vivere”, in Latin, means “Remember to live”. Isn’t it the other face of the same medal with “Memento…
16.06.2023 | Tree Stories – Performance Kotryna Žilinskaitė (Lt) + Hasan Alp Çelikel (Tk) | Ideas Block (Lt)
19/05/2023Tree stories est un projet in progress, interdisciplinaire et multiforme inspiré par la poésie intemporelle et le pouvoir mystique…