In the framework of the Vice Versa – digital arts residencies project, Paolo Almario (Chicoutimi) and Mathieu Zurstrassen (Brussels) have started a second period of collaborative work after their first residency hosted by Vice Versa partner La Chambre Blanche (Québec). They will finalize their digital and sound installation “Homéostasies-Electromagnétique” which will be exhibited, from 8 to 17 September 2017 (opening on Sept 7 – 6 pm), premiering at the City Sonic – International Festival of Sound Arts in Charleroi Danse.
This device plays, on the basis of data received by a Canadian & Belgian magnetic perturbation observatories, on the fusion of sounds and the interactions of these with the immediate environment that illustrates these two scientific concepts (homeostasis and electromagnetic field).
- 06.08 > 08.09.2017
- Transcultures Charleroi
- 4, rue Navez6000 Charleroi | Belgique
- transcultures.be/residences
La chambre blanche, Transcultures, with the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International, La Ville de Québec, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres de Québec, Culture et Communication Québec, Conseil des Arts du Canada