Space Machines: What Geography does to the computer
In the series of lectures ‘Digital augmented territories’ launched by Transcultures and the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty of the University of Mons, the multimedia/designer/searcher French creator Franck Soudan will propose an illustrated intervention (french) related to his thesis ‘The code & the territory’ that he obtained at the University of Annecy, along with his recent digital creations connected and geolocation-? ‘Let’s consider the devices with which we’re building our connections to the actual geography. From where are those countless maps that are invading? our screens coming from? What are we shaking on the internet when we’re referencing our GPS informations? And when it’s about to move, where does the body begins and where does the map ends ?’
Relying on problematic exemples, some of which brought out by his own mapping creation, the artist/programmer Franck Soudan will be proposing during this lecture a state of the art regarding the digital geography from the maps to the databases. Hired for her anthropological attributes, mapping allows us to observe how Internet and algorithms have affected our perception of the space. By taking possession of this new language of the Earth, we’ll be able to observe how the arts will be questioning the notion of referencial?, distance and orientation, and thereby shaking the cultural crystal through which we’re talking about places.
‘Finally we’ll be pointing the political prise en charge? of those interfaces, as thus observing the data of the space-time that we are submitting to them and for which we’re talking all different kind of decisions.’ F. Soudan
- 13.12.18 – 12:30
- Faculté d’Architecture UMons
- rue d’Havré 88, Mons
- free entrance
- web.umons.ac.be/fau
Partnership Faculté d’Architecture & d’Urbanisme/UMons – Transcultures