27.06 >01.07.2016 – Workshop Digital & Sound emergences
20/06/2016Coordinated by multi-media artist JulienPoidevin and Arnaud Eeckhout, this workshop “Digital and sound Emergences” hosts artists/students of Arts2 (Mons)…
18.06.2016 – Solstices – performances + installations + screening @ Fontin
11/06/2016Solstices offers all over the night concerts, readings, performances, poetic interventions … in several places in the pretty village…
10>12.06.2016 – Exhibition Helga de Jaeger – Intimate turbulences
02/06/2016Outgoing student of ARTS² (visual arts shcol of Mons), Helga Dejaegher present at the Maison Folie of Mons her…
28.05>12.06.2016 – Digital Echoes @ BAM Mons – Nicolas Maigret + videoart selection
10/05/2016Invited by the BAM, Fine Arts Museum in Mons to offer a selection of digital works echoing the ‘First…
20 + 21-05-2016 – Multi-media performances @ festival NBT 2016
10/05/2016In partnership with the Festival Nuits du Beau Tas, Transcultures offers 2 evenings of multimedia creation where sound research…
Open call MAP residency – Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes 2016 Mons
01/05/2016In the framework of Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes’ MAP programme, Transcultures is launching a call for a 3-month…
29.04 > 28.05.2016 – Festival Les Nuits du Beau Tas 2016
23/04/2016This is the 3rd edition of that iconoclastic music festival with a lot of new places in Brussels this…
28.04.2016 – Scriptures & digital hybridies – Philippe Franck Lecture
19/04/2016What are the forms of transdisciplinary writings using primarily the digital technologies? What devices do they use? What types…
22.04.2016 – The Night of Radio With la SCAM + Call for projets/residence – Mundaneum
16/04/2016Ondes de choc : The Scam and the Mundaneum invite you to discover the Night of Radio @ Mundaneum,…
22.04 – Workshop Design Thinking – Thierry Mbay / Meuh Lab – Creative Week 2016
16/04/2016As part of the week of creativity ‘Make Wallonia’ proposed by the Hubs of Wallonia, Transcultures offers at FabLab…
22.04 – Didié Nietzche vs Paradise Now – Rencontre et performance
15/04/2016Philippe Franck presents the hybrid artistic approach of Transcultures and discuss with him the last statements of the digital…
05 + 06.04.2016 – Workshop 3D modeling – FabLab Mons
30/03/2016As part of discovery courses for high school students initiated by Sci TEC2, Transcultures proposes a 3D modeling workshop….
15.04.2016 – Vidéographies 4.0 : de Jacques Lizène au Numérique
16/03/2016As part of the exhibition Jacques Lizène, rotation des stocks 1984-2016, the Vidéographies 4.0 event pays a special tribute…
16.03.2016 – Yves Citton lecture @ Mundaneum – ” For an ecology of attention”
14/03/2016The economy of attention, inability to concentrate, weapons of mass distraction, googlisation minds: countless publications denounce the flood of…
10.03 – Peter M Friess lecture – The internet of things / Augmented digital territories
06/03/2016The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next major economic and societal innovation. With the IoT, all physical and…
29.02 > 04.03.2016 – Workshop Rhombo 2 – arts numériques > Arts2 – ENSA Villa Arson – Mons
03/03/2016For the second year, and in the framework of Transnumeriques emergent artists program, a dozen students of partners art…
25.02.2016 – Conference Gilles Malatray – Soundwalking
10/02/2016For a long time already, from Aristotle to Guy Debord, through Rousseau,Thoreau and Richard Long, artists and philosophers, walk…
12.02.2016 – Peter Friess tient salon Antoine Boute, Catrine Godin, & Stuff @ YIAP Bruxelles
08/02/2016On the mirum mortis theme or “journey of wonder” that was the way to see the death in ancient…
08>13.02 – Résidences Transatlantiques : Prototype#1 (Oracles 2) – Bruxelles
06/02/2016Following a first interdisciplinary performance linking contemporary dance, living literature, video/digital images and sound art, in the series of…
Transnumériques#5 is over, towards 2016 emergent creations!
17/01/2016Transnumériques has closed on December 12th 2015 along Mons, European Capital of Culture,, but their good waves are still…
11.01 > 15.01.2016 – Workshop Digital & Sound Emergences – Arts2
09/01/2016As for some years now, Transcultures and Arts2 offer a one-week workshop for talented art students & young artists,…
08.12.2015 – Videoconferences ArtComTec @ Transnumeriques 2015 #2
03/12/2015The first Art/Communication/Technologies seminars organized by Natan Karczmar were held in 1993 and 1994 at the European University of…
08.12.2015 – Lecture Philippe Baudelot : Digital and implicative arts…
03/12/2015Philippe Baudelot (semiotician, curator and consultant in digital arts) presents the lasted developments of immersive and implicative arts…
05.12.2015 – Peter M Friess + Guida Inès Mauricio Beautiful (3rd iteration-connected performance)
01/12/2015Operating like a full-scale laboratory, Peter M Friess explores in BEAUTIFUL_TOUCH (3rd iteration) the human systems and perception structures…
01.12.2015 – Videoconferences ArtComTec @ Transnumériques 2015 #1
29/11/2015The first Art/Communication/Technologies seminars organized by Natan Karczmar were held in 1993 and 1994 at the European University of…
01.12.2015 – Lecture Alice Jary – Transnumériques #5
28/11/2015How can an in situ process-based methodology be part of a questioning of the act distributed network (agency) between…
27.11 > 12.12.2015 – Transnumeriques festival #5 @ Mons2015
06/11/2015In the framework of Mons2015, European Capital of Culture, Transnumeriques (transdigital) 2015 is focusing on digital new talents (emergences).
30.10.2015 – Vice versa #2 – Transcultures <> Numediart (from the research to digital creation)
18/10/2015Vice Versa is an afternoon of meeting and presentation of innovative digital projects proposed for the second time by…
15.10 > 17.10.2015 – Transcultures @ Voix de femmes #12
09/10/2015As part of the Festival Voix de Femmes showcasing contemporary feminine creation in three Belgian cities, Transcultures presents works…
08.10.2015 – Hybrid Futures (round table) @ Bozar Electronic Festival
05/10/2015Predicting the future is difficult, but it is worth analyzing current trends in the field of media arts to…