30 + 31.10.2021 | Transcultures @ Sonic narratives – Timisoara (Ro)
15/10/2021Transcultures are pleased to be partners of the first edition of Sonic Narratives imagined in the framework of Timisoara,…
12.10.2021 | Transcultures @ Seminar “Uses and Values of Black” | INHA (Fr)
26/09/2021The CEEI-THALIM 2021-2022 seminar, “Usages and values of the black” follows the five-year cycle of conferences organized within the…
01 > 03.10.2021 | Transcultures @ Les voix en ville Festival – Lettres en voix (Be)
15/09/2021For the second year in a row, the Lettres en Voix association, with the support of Transcultures, invites you…
25.09 > 26.09.2021 | Transcultures – Pepinieres of Creation @ Festival Ibrida | Forli (It)
26/08/2021Transcultures et les European Pepinieres of Creation presents for this 2021 edition of the Ibrida festival a selection of…
24.09 > 28.11.2021 | Transcultures @ ARTour – Contemporary Art and Heritage Biennale 2021 (Be)
26/08/2021ARTour 2021 proposes to question the relationships that today bind writing and the visual, digital and sound arts. The…
11 > 12.09.2021 | Transcultures @ Simultan Festival | Timisoara (Ro)
25/08/2021Transcultures presents a video selection in connection with the No Lockdown Art initiative (initiated in spring 2020, during the…
05 > 08.09.2021 | Maja Jantar + Paradise Now + Isa*Belle | Transonic Lab Residency (Be)
23/08/2021Après une première résidence particulièrement fructueuse en mars 2021 au Delta (Namur), à laquelle avait fait suite un premier…
01.09 > 03.09.2021 | Transcultures @ Text & Image #6 Forum | Malta Society of Arts – La Valette (Mt)
21/08/2021Matthieu Quiniou says: “Blockchain technology permits the control, or more precisely, a certified timestamping of transactions, deals and events…
31.08 > 08.09.2021 | Transcultures @ The Week of the Sound 2021 | Bruxelles et Namur (Be)
21/08/2021As every year since the launch of La Semaine du Son first in Brussels and then also in Wallonia…
Articles | Les intersections transoniques de Paradise Now – par Léo Desforges – in Turbulences Vidéo #112
07/07/2021Paradise Now est la facette artistique de Philippe Franck, directeur de Transcultures – Centre des cultures numériques et sonores…
Articles | Les travelogues de Tamara Laï – interview Philippe Franck – in Turbulences Vidéo #112
07/07/2021L’œuvre de Tamara Laï occupe une place à part dans l’évolution de l’art vidéo et multimédiatiquede ces 30 dernières…
06 > 10.07.2021 | Transcultures – Pepinieres of Création @ Zone Libre 2021 – Bastia (Fr)
01/07/2021The Sound Arts Forum, renamed Zone Libre (Free Zone), from the name of the Corsican association that initiated it,…
04.07 > 05.09.2021 | Tabula exhibition – Collégiale Saint-Vincent à Soignies – Jean-François Octave + Paradise Now – ARTour 2021
24/06/2021Proposed in upstream of the Biennale of contemporary art and heritage ARTour 2021 on the theme “The conjugated image”,…
02.07.2021 | Isa✧Belle + Paradise Now @ A summer in Fontainas square – FontainaSound
20/06/2021As part of our participatory FontainaSound * project, the sound footprint of a territory to be built together over…
Article | Poetry-action-reflection – talk: Philippe Franck with Jean-Pierre Bobillot | Revue Inter : art actuel #137
17/05/2021Comme depuis quelques années maintenant, Transcultures et Arts2 proposent un workshop d’une semaine à de talentueux étudiants-jeunes artistes ouverts…
29.05.2021 | Drone Day [Sonic Garden Party] – Beersel (Be) | Transonic Sessions
17/05/2021On the occasion of the Drone Day International, events dedicated to the sound drone are taking place around the…
Album | No Lockdown Transonic Sessions – Spring 2021
03/05/2021This second series of online “chamber” sessions commissioned by Transcultures and the Transonic label to sound creators of various…
Album | Transonic Delta – Maja Jantar (Pl/Nl/Be) + Paradise Now (Fr/Be)
23/04/2021Hosted in Sonopoetics residency at the Delta (Namur- BE) from March 10 to 14, 2021 (in partnership with Transcultures…
25 > 28.04.2021 | Akashic Diaries Soundtrack – Transonic Lab Residency (Be)
19/04/2021Didié Nietzsche (BE) returns to the Transonic Lab to find Paradise Now (BE/FR) to finish with the American-Lebanese author…
07 > 10.04.2021 | Transcultures + European Pepinieres @ RIANA 2021 – Abidjan (CI)
02/04/2021On the theme “Sources and resources”, the 2021edition of the International Digital and Visual Arts Meetings of Abidjan offers…
18.03 > 04.04.2021 | Transcultures & Pepinieres @ Festival Videoformes 2021
14/03/2021Since 1984, Videoformes has organized an annual international festival, in Clermont-Ferrand, which presents the latest news in digital creation:…
10 > 14.03.2021 | Maja Jantar + Paradise Now – Sonopoetics Residency – Namur
05/03/2021After a promising first residency mixing sound poetry, singing, electronic treatments and guitaristic landscapes at Productions Rhizome in Quebec,…
Articles | Transaesthetic Writings. Conversation with Alexandre Castant – in Turbulences Vidéo #110
05/03/2021For over twenty years, Alexandre Castant has developed a refined and demanding critical work, exploring the world of contemporary…
01 > 07.03.2021 | A Limb + Paradise Now + Biba Sheikh + Isa✧Belle – Résidence Transonic
01/03/2021After a fruitful first part of a residency at the end of January, A Limb returns to the Transonic…
Album online | Persistance – Christophe Bailleau & Friends
01/03/2021Transcultures and its partner European Pepinieres of Creation supported the Persistence EP project by Belgian-based French artist Christophe Bailleau…
Articles | Celebrity Cafe at the intersection of the avant-garde – in Turbulences Vidéo #110
25/02/2021Initiated and coordinated by Jacques Donguy (poet, essayist, critic), Jean-François Bory (writer) and Sarah Cassenti (visual artist, performer and…
26.02.2021 | Transonic Second Life Festival #1 @ Cat’s Circus
18/02/2021The first edition of this online micro festival is part of the Transonic Second Life Sessions which regularly offers…
01.2021 | LINKs Revue – Séries 5 & 6 – Marcel Proust
10/02/2021Transdisciplinary and international review launched in October 2019, both demanding and accessible free of charge, LINKs is a beautiful…
16 > 21.01.2021 | Paradise Now + Didié Nietzsche – Transonic residency
15/01/2021Between these two collaborative Belgian/internationalists sound creators, the meeting is both natural and open. Paradise Now invites Didié Nietzsche…