In the framework of the arts-numeriques.info WatchLab, Transcultures launch a call for collaborations to an artist/developer to rethink the project arts-numeriques.info and develop a series of tools to sustain the network and reach an audience wider. The selected candidate will work closely with Jacques Urbanska, project initiator and now Media Arts/Networks projects manager @ Transcultures.
- A budget of 2 000 € is scheduled for this first step of development.
- Deadline: The call is open until a candidate is selected. Work on the platform is scheduled for late 2016/2017.
To answer this call you must be able to read/speak some French. More infos (in french).
The project arts-numeriques.info was launched in late 2009 in the framework of an artistic project developed by Jacques Urbanska. It was supported by the Digital Arts cell of the Ministry of Culture of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, Digitalarti and Transcultures.
Today the project stands as a citizens’ initiative, a personal Webwatch Lab on the field Arts + New Tech / Science / Research / Innovation…, a set of personal searching tools available to the public.
The front end of the network is currently composed of:
- an homepage with some fifteen news feeds
- 1 portal with some 150 news feeds (blogs, magazines, festivals, structures, calls for projects/residencies…)
- some 20 google custom
- 2 blogs (some archives and a Daily watch)
- 1 feed aggregator focussed on Art calls
- 1 EEG / brain headset Webwatch
- 4 twitter accounts (@arts_numeriques, @MediaArt_BE, @processing_org, @EEG_brainwaves)
- 1 facebook page
- 2 scoop.it account (a Daily watch and a text anthology)
- …